Ch. 9: Town's Fair

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The week has been amazing. Hayden has been coming over a lot this week. Sometimes for help with class work or to go over our psychology work. Sometimes it's just to hangout which we always sit in my porch swing. Sometimes we're talkative and other times we sit in a comfortable silence. He leaves every night between 9 and 10. Most nights he eats dinner with us. Papa when we're outside reminds me of Roxanne's dad on the goofy movie. Instead of looking through the mail slot, he looks out any curtain or cracks the door just to peek out of it. Surprisingly, it doesn't make Hayden uncomfortable; he actually finds it funny. He doesn't spend as much time with his group of friends; which is also astonishing.

At school he always seems to walk with me to class; leaving his friends behind. They don't like me I know this; which is why they always seem to give me the death glare. Especially Remy and Kellie. Hayden use to date Remy from 7th grade until the end of sophomore year. So it isn't a shocker that she doesn't like the idea of him hanging out with other females except for her and their group. Kellie and Remy are best of friends. So it only seems right if Remy gives anyone the cold shoulder, bullies anyone, or glares at anyone; she does too. That's just who they truly are.

Hayden actually uses his voice and sticks up for me now. He doesn't let any classmates especially his friends bully me anymore. I think either he's hit his head a little too hard lately or he's been abducted by aliens. It only seems like the logical explanation. With him changing so much and always beside me; I don't think he realizes his reputation has went down the drain. He will probably be the next one to get bullied by everyone. I've tried to tell him he didn't have to be seen out in public with me. That still hasn't changed his mind. He's like my personal shadow.

Tonight we are going to go to the fair. Tonight will be my first 'date'. I mean who would want to be seen with the preacher's daughter anyways?

Hayden's crazy self.

I decide to wear my pale pink sweater and dark faded jeans. I opted my keds for my flip flops and added my white long cardigan with my outfit. It's warm during the day still but at night it can get a little chilly. I don't put on any makeup because one I'm not familiar with any of that. For two I was raised by a father. For three I don't own any. I leave my long hair flowing down my back. I trade my glasses for my contacts today. I like to switch up between the two. It honestly depends on my mood and how I'm physically feeling. I change into my outfit just in time for the doorbell to ring.

"Come on Hayden. Katie will be down in a moment." Papa says.

"I'm coming!" I yell from the top of the stairs.

I skip every other stair on the way down. For some reason I'm in a great mood and excited to go to the fair this year. Last year my health wasn't the best when the fair had came into town. This year there is over 50 new rides plus our usual 30 rides we have every year. I'm excited to try out the new ones that we have this year. Who knows if we'll have them next year. If I even make it to next year's fair.

I kiss papa on his head like always and scurry out the door with my hand in Hayden's.

"Woah what is the fire princess?" Hayden chuckles out.

"Fair!" I squeal like an excited child.

We slide into Hayden's sports car and head to our town's boardwalk; that's on our huge lake. The lake is set up like a beach. It has white sand all around the water's edge. The far corner of the lake has some small cliff and a beautiful 50 foot waterfall. It's the hangout spot for most teenagers during the summer months. The drive to the beautiful lake is about fifteen minutes from my house.

Hayden has My Red Moon by Bastien Grivet softly playing in the car. His right hand is lightly entwined in mine. Since we have started to hang out more; he's been listening to my kind of music. I told him he didn't have to change his style for my own. His response was 'I'm not changing my style, I'm simply letting you listen to your kind of music.'. I mean if you say so my human.

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