Chapter 11: I ain't your baby?

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Take off the smile hidden inside the veil

Don't need to hold on, while forgetting me

Why you runnin' solo
The peak that seemed so far is just around the corner

Close your eyes

The shadow that was chasing you, oh why?

Who are you looking for?




Jay saw him as soon as he walked into Make Your Wish.

He sat at his usual stool in front of the bar and asked for his usual drink.

Tonight Soobin was working, he handed the vampire his drink with a bit of an irritated expression.

The witch didn't like him and Jay didn't really know why...

But he didn't really care, he didn't want to be friends with Jake's friends, anyways.

Jay was enjoying his "alone" time in the bar, drinking his favourite drink, when he heard Jake's annoying laugh approaching.

Jay smirked and turned back towards his brother.

"Hyung! Great to see you here!" - Jake shouted and hugged Jay.

"The usual, Bin!" - Jake told Soobin as he sat next to Jay.

"Hee-hyung's not with you tonight?" - Soobin, asked Jake as he was handing him his ordered drink.

"No. You know how he sometimes gets around this time of the year..."

"Ah, yeah... it's the anniversary, isn't it...?"


Jay was listening to their conversation and it reminded him that yes it was indeed that day...

Almost two centuries ago on this day, his dad was killed by his old love, Lee Jaeseung.

He hated remembering her name, but he used to call out that name so much back in the day, that he just cannot forget it that easily...

He averted his eyes to his direction.

The young boy was sitting at a small table with another boy that looked young as well.

"His name is Jungwon and the boy next to him is Sunoo, Niki's crush." - Soobin, whispered in Jake's ear, but Jay heard everything.

Jay turned towards Soobin and Jake and saw that they were staring towards Jungwon as well.

Jake had this dreamy look in eyes, the same look Jay had seen Jake look at Heeseung before.

Jay knew what it meant. Jake was in love.

"Come on, go and ask him out!" - Soobin encouraged Jake.

"How can I be sure that he is not underage still... Teenagers these days don't look how they used to..." - Jake asked, concerned. He didn't want to go to jail.

"Niki told me that they are of age, I won't be encouraging you if that wasn't the case, so shoot your shot."

"Okay, then. I'll try..." - Jake sounded very unsure, but he got up from his seat, anyways and as he was starting to walk towards Jungwon, he felt a hand grab his shoulder and pull him back aggressively.

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