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Your pov

I noticed that since the moment Taehyung entered the classroom, his face was gloomy.

As it was break time and no one else was inside the classroom, I looked beside me to him who was siting next to me like always as he kept doing his assignment.

"Yah, tell me already" I sassed. "What is it?" I asked while munching the chips.

He looked up at me, pushing the glasses up his nose bridge and blinked a couple of times.

"Nothing" he said and looked back to his papers.

But I knew that it wasn't nothing.

"Tiger, tell me already. I know you too well" I said, continuing to look at the math book with a bitter expression as I tried understanding the equations. Well, I tried.

I heard him sigh as he dropped his pen on the table.

"Are you aware that I live in an ajumma's house as a paying guest?" he asked and I nodded, continuing to eat the chips.

He closed his books, placing them inside his backpack as he packed my things too because I'm too lazy and he knows that I'd leave behind the 'precious' books.

So he just packs my things too.

Throwing away the chips packet, I looked at him.

He just stood up, picking up the packet from the floor and walked to the small dust bin in the classroom's corner.

Putting the empty packet in the bin, he walked towards his place again, sitting on his chair.

While I switched my position as I sat on the table, being myself.

"Well" he started and looked at my face while rubbing his hands together. "She's selling her house after four days" he said and looked down again, dropping his shoulders.

"She told that you had to find some other place?" I asked and he nodded. "What about the dorms? This year is going to end, so we can easily get you a room there" I stated.

But he just stayed silent.

"Since we'll be graduating in another year, it may be easy for you to-" he cut me off.

"I tried that too. There are no more rooms and there's no room to share too" he said and sighed at the end.

I sat with my legs criss cross on the table and he was sitting right in front of me on the chair.

Resting my chin in my palm, I stared at him, thinking about a solution.

"Taebear, do you know that I live alone in an one room apartment with a tiny kitchen?" I asked and he nodded.

"I can welcome a roommate" I said bluntly with no expression.

"Huh?" he asked with a confused face as he looked at me.

Rolling my eyes, I spoke again.

"I live there alone. Maybe I can take to the landlady and let you move in" I said and shrugged my shoulders. "On normal days, we can eat in the cafeteria like always. And on holidays, I can cook like always in that tiny kitchen" I finished and he was just staring at me blankly.

"You'll seriously let me move in?" he asked and I nodded like it was just a matter of fact. "But what if-" I cut him off.

"Don't worry. I won't try to get your clothes 100% off," I said bluntly.

"Yah!" he said and slapped my knee lightly.

Time skip to the next day~

It was evening as I and Taehyung brought his things to my apartment.

His former landlady was generous enough to help Taehyung move his things here with her car.

And also, my landlady was generous enough to let him and his 'son' move in.

As we placed his things in the middle of the room, the landlady handed Taehyung his spare keys, and left after speaking a few words.

The door closed and Taehyung looked around the room.

"The bathroom is upstairs and we have a kitchen big enough for us, a computer, enough chairs again, a closet upstairs too

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"The bathroom is upstairs and we have a kitchen big enough for us, a computer, enough chairs again, a closet upstairs too. Which means that we have to organize our clothes together with no argument" I stated as he let down his 'son', Kim Yeontan, on the floor.

"Is that the store room?" he asked while pointing to the room near the front door, and I nodded. "Will our clothes have to be washed together in the same washing machine?" he asked and I nodded again, making him hum in agreement.

The freezer was placed below the stairs.

"We should either use our own beds or the same study table together for studying. It's up to your choice" I said. "It's not like I'm going to be studying anyways" I shrugged.

"You say this but manage to get grades equal to me" he said and I shrugged again, 'cause I don't know.

"Do you want the bed which is upstairs, or the one down with the only window of this apartment near it?" I asked and he pointed to the one which was down, right in front of us.

"Is it because you have the computer and study table near this bed?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I may stay up late at night for studying, with the lights on" he stated. "You can sleep better upstairs without more light hitting your eyes" he said as I turned around to start moving his things.

It was just couple of suitcases with his clothes in it, and a not-so-huge but not-so-small box which had his books and other things.

We arranged the closet upstairs with our clothes, in a fair manner.

We didn't want to use the computer. So we packed it for sale since it was mine obviously.

Both of us were already having our laptops. So the computer was always unnecessary.

I decided that my books will stay inside my bag itself, and his on the study table. Also that we would share them due to the lack of space for placing more books.

He finally placed his toothbrush in the toothbrush holder which was inside the bathroom and came back downstairs.

I was sitting on my ex-bed and now-his bed while playing piano tiles on my phone.

As all the things were cleared and placed properly, I can tell how small yet organized the apartment was for him.

"This is my bed" he said and I rolled my eyes at his blank face.

"Mong-Tae is back" I said while getting up and walking to the kitchen counter.

"And now, we share all the household chores equally" I said and he nodded before placing his phone on the nightstand as he laid back on the bed.

"Hello roommate" he said to me and gave a boxy smile to Tannie who jumped on the bed, in his father's arms.

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