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Author's pov

Taehyung woke up as he felt the sunlight hit his face through the window.

He looked beside the bed and saw Yeontan sleeping cutely on his dog mattress.

He reached his hand towards the nightstand, with the intention of finding his glasses.

Only then, he realized that he's not wearing glasses anymore, because you said so.

Sighing, he landed his feet on the floor as he scratched the back of his head, yawning a little as he blankly stared at your bed which was upstairs.

You were still sleeping. clearly enjoying the fact that you were officially given four months of holidays. And no online classes for the next four months too.

Yay life!

Standing up, Taehyung slowly climbed the stairs.

His mind was still in a blank and sleepy state as he stared at your sleeping figure which was wrapped around the blanket like a living burrito.

Unconsciously, his eyes trailed down to your chest.

He didn't even realize that he was staring at your bust for minutes.

Once realization hit him, he widened his eyes. Surprised by himself. Never in his life has he even looked at a girl's face for more than a second.

Except for your annoying face though.

"Kim Taehyung, don't be a pervert" he scolded himself and ran to the bathroom after hitting the back of his head lightly to knock in some sense into his own head.

He did his morning routine and changed his clothes inside the bathroom like always and stepped out, only to look at you who was still sleeping on the edge of the bed.

One of your legs was hanging down from the bed and you were about to fall off the bed.

But Taehyung immediately rushed in front and held your shoulders before you could fall.

Pushing you back slightly, he made you lie properly on the bed.

"Do you even sleep with swag?" Taehyung asked your sleeping face with an annoyed tone and shook his head before walking downstairs to the kitchen.

He was wearing a white t-shirt and red shorts that came up to his knees.

His hair combed like always. Being the obedient alien he is.

"Mmm..What should I cook today?" he asked himself and looked around the kitchen.

Thinking for a few seconds, he finally decided.

"Japchae" he said with a smile to the strawberry and kissed it like it was a human being.

(A/n: Alien)

Your pov

I woke up with a heavenly aroma surrounding the house.

Slowly opening my eyes, I yawned and stared blankly at the ceiling for a few seconds.

"Japchae" I muttered as I inhaled the smell with a satisfied smile appearing on my face.

Jumping off the bed, I hopped on my way to the bathroom and did my morning routine.

Once I was done, I wore my black sweatpant and a plain short-sleeved t-shirt which is black in colour too.

Tying my hair in a messy bun, I jumped down the stairs and saw Mong-Tae arranging two plates on the table.

"Kimichi Taehyung, where's my japchae?" I asked, not able to control my desires as I sat on the chair beside him.

"This will be the last time you're eating my japchae" he said and I turned to face him with an unreadable expression on my face.

"Wae?" I asked and he flicked my forehead.

"Because if you want to eat japchae so badly, you'll cook it the next time " Kimichi Taehyung said.

"But I only know how to prepare ramen" I said nonchalantly and started eating my japchae.

"And that's why you would be taking cooking lesson from me, starting today" he said and I looked at him, my mouth stuffed with food.

Swallowing the food after chewing it slowly, I spoke.

"You can't be serious" I told and right now, he looked exactly like some mother going to teach her kid math problems. Huffing, I continued eating my japchae.

"Why so serious?" he asked and I scoffed.

(A/n: Remember this?)

And I did see him discreetly stealing glances at my chest. Almost nervously like he doubted if it was really him doing this.

Confirmed. He is obsessed with my breasts because of the past events.

But I still know that he's the most innocent alien ever. Maybe not the most. But innocent of course.

"Life is like japchae, Y/n" he said out of the blue while washing the dishes.

He volunteered himself to do the dishes like always because he said that he always does the dishes.

'Dishwashing fairy Kim Taehyung'

"Made from sweet potato noodles, stir fried in sesame oil with vegetables that are typically thinly sliced carrots, onion, spinach, and mushrooms, sometimes served with beef, and flavored with soy sauce, and sweetened with sugar," he said and I blinked my eyes exactly twice.

"After all, they all have a different cooking point. Japchae should have a balanced sweet and savory flavor, crunchy vegetable texture, neither too raw nor too soft, and bouncy noodle texture which is not mushy," he said. "What I'm trying to say is, you can compare life to japchae," he finished.


'Life is like japchae' -Your author

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