8.Like father, like son

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Slowly fluttering your eyes open, you realized that Taehyung was still being secured in your embrace.

Running your fingers through his hair soothingly, you kissed his head.

'Wait. Why did I do that?'

You thought to yourself and blinked your eyes at what you just did.

Sighing, you just stayed as Taehyung was still sleeping like a baby in your arms.

A few minutes passed and everything was normal. Keyword- 'was'.

In his slumber, Taehyung's hand unknowingly touched your chest.

You knew that he was in his sleep so you just waited for him to remove his hand.

But instead, your eyes widened as he cupped one of your breasts.

And you felt like your eyes were gonna pop out of their sockets when he started massaging your breast with his hand.

"What the-" you mumbled and cut off yourself by trying to push him away.

But Taehyung just groaned softly in annoyance, still in his sleep, and his movements got a bit rough.

As you smacked the back of his head, Taehyung winced in pain and woke up.

"Why did you-" he stopped on his won words as he noticed his hand which was still massaging your breast.

Gulping, his body froze. But his hand was still doing its job on your chest.

"Byun-Tae" you said with eyes closed.

"I'll count till three and I want you to take your hand off my chest by then" you said and as your mouth parted to start counting, Taehyung removed his hand slowly and looked at the ceiling.

You too turned a bit and started a staring competition with the ceiling.

"S-Sorry" he said to you with mouth open wide as he stared while bringing in front of his eyes, the hand which was earlier doing something quite perverted when he was sleeping.

A few minutes of silence passed and the staring competition with the ceiling continued.

You still felt like his hand was on your bust.

Breathing out a bit, you shook all the thoughts away from your hand and got up.

Pushing the duvet away, you landed your feet on the floor.

"Mong-Tae, I'm going to cook something today" you said and Taehyung turned his head to look at you.

Two hours later~

"Now add some salt" you said to yourself while adding some salt to your recipe.

"Who adds salt and milk with pasta?" Taehyung asked while gulping a little as he looked at the dish you made.

Boiling the pasta in milk, you poured it in a bowl and added salt.

Taehyung was feeling slightly nauseous already.

You placed the bowl on the table and sat beside him.

Giving him a spoon, you clinked your spoon with his.

Taking a breath, you and Taehyung took the food in your spoons.

Placing it inside your mouth at the same time as Taehyung, both of your faces scrunched up in disgust while spitting out the food.

You and Taehyung choked on the taste while desperately searching for water.

You got a water bottle while Taehyung got hold of the glass of water placed on the table.

Chugging down the elixir of life, you both kept panting.

"I'm not letting you cook after this" Taehyung said while finally calming down his breath as you did too.

Suddenly, Taehyung's expression started to change into a weird one.

Well, not exactly weird, because it's the expression he has almost all the time, and it's completely normal for you to look.

"Are you-" before you could finish ask anything, Taehyung rushed to the kitchen sink and started throwing up.

You held his forehead as one of his hands held the edge of the sink, the other around your waist, gripping it for support.

As he kept gagging, you caressed his back.

Finally when he stopped throwing up after a few minutes, you helped him wash his face.

"Are you pregnant, Taelien?" you asked and Taehyung looked at you, breathing a bit heavily.

"Can boys get pregnant?" he asked in confusion and you shook your head as a no.

"Even if boys can get pregnant, you're still a virgin like me" you said and helped him walk to his bed.

"Scratch that. We've not even lost our first kisses so far" Taehyung said while laying on the bed.

"It's because the food you made" he said and pouted as Yeontan jumped into his arms.

Giving him an 'Are you kidding me?' look, you sat beside him.

His eyes were half closed as his head slowly moved to your lap.

Blinking your eyes exactly twice, you looked down at him.

Sighing, you leaned back comfortably and with your legs straight, you pillowed his head more comfortably with your lap.

"Mong-Tae" you called and Taehyung hummed in response. "What did you want to become when you were a kid?" you asked.

"A grown up" he said with eyes still closed weakly.

"Not that you're grown up, what do you want to become?" you asked again.

"A kid" he said and you chuckled while running your fingers through his soft hair.

"You're really a baby" you said and kissed his head out of nowhere.

"You even call me baby bear" he said in a slightly sleepy voice before drifting off to dreamland slowly.

Before that, eyes still closed, Taehyung suddenly raised his head up and kissed your- OH MY GOD!

"Did he just kiss my bust?" you asked no one in disbelief as your mouth parted in shock while staring at Taehyung who has already laid back his head on your lap again.

"Byun-Tae" you mumbled and huffed.

Yeontan was slowly licking his father's hands and jumped beside you.

"Do you feel pity for me?" you asked and Yeontan yelped.

"Thank you, Tannie," you said with a little smile and continued running your fingers through Taehyung's hair again.

Suddenly, you felt Tannie licking your- THE HELL!

"Did he just lick my bust?" you asked in disbelief once again. "Yeah, right" you said and thought to yourself.

'Like father, like son'

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