2.Of Open Wounds And Care

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Clarke was in her room, lost in her thoughts. She couldn't stop thinking about Lexa's fight against Roan that afternoon. She had never been more scared of losing someone than that. The way Lexa had fell on the ground without her sword, at Roan's mercy, the way she had then stopped the man's attack grabbing his sword with her hand, the way she had decided to spare his life and kill Nia instead, everything was impressed in the blonde's mind, impossible to erase. For a moment, she had been sure she would have never been able to see her again. She sighed. She thought about the day she had threatened Lexa with her knife, certain that all she wanted was to see the brunette dead. She couldn't have been more wrong. She wanted Lexa to be alive, for sure. She needed her to be alive, no matter what. She wished she had the courage to tell her that. There had been a moment in the arena before the duel started she had almost confessed her how she really felt about her, but in the end she had just told her that she was glad she had come to see her fighting. Someone knocking on the door awakened her from her thoughts. She went opening, not really knowing who could be at such a time. She wasn't waiting for anyone. Suddenly, a green wave hit her. Lexa was there, in front of her, so unexpected, yet so needed. Yes, Clarke needed Lexa's presence. She didn't even know why, but at that point she didn't care at all. She was just happy to have her there.

"Is this I told you so?" Clarke started, referring to Lexa's words the brunette had told her before the duel.

"No. This is thank you." Lexa replied. She was about to say more, when Madi came out from behind her and hugged her with her tiny hands. Lexa took the toddler between her arms and tenderly kissed her forehead. Clarke felt her heart clench at that sight. She wasn't still used to that soft side of Lexa, but she loved it. It reminded her that the brunette was a human being, not just the leader of a nation. And she hoped it helped Lexa to realize that too.

"Carke! " Madi exclaimed, pointing her small finger at the blonde and eliciting a sweet smile from her.

"Sha, em ste Klark." Lexa whispered to the child, cradling her. Clarke reached out and gently caressed the toddler's cheek, while Madi was staring at her with her beautiful big blue eyes. She was starting to trust her more, even if she was still a bit scared of her. She had seen her threatening Lexa with a knife, after all. On the other hand, Clarke adored Madi. She was a lively child, very smart and curious. She loved running through the tower, despite her not being so steady, and play hide and seek with Lexa or the other nightbloods. And, of course, she had become Titus' nightmare because of that.

"Goufa, hod op." Lexa suddenly hissed in pain, bringing Clarke back to reality. the brunette put the toddler down and started massaging her own hand.

"Lexa, what's the matter?" Clarke asked, worried. She took her hand and noticed the black blood under the gauze. It was fresh, a sign that the wound was still open. She raised her gaze and her eyes met Lexa's irises, so green, so melancholic, so full of something that even Clarke can't fully comprehend. All she knew was that she wanted to dive in that green ocean. She had never seen eyes like those. She had never fell in love with a gaze before.

"Sit down." she ordered. "Let me change it for you.". Lexa didn't move, too worried about Madi playing on the floor of Clarke's room. She didn't want the Skaikru to be annoyed by their presence. She didn't want to be a burden. The blonde looked at the toddler and let out a sweet smile. Madi was on the floor and she was drawing some lines with a crayon she had in her hand.

"Sit down. I'll take care of it.". Lexa sighed and decided to do as the blonde had just told her. She sat on Clarke's bed and turned to Madi. The Skaikru was approaching her, carefully.

"Hey." she said, crouching in front of the toddler. "Here, use these." she handed her some sheets. Madi frowned and grabbed them, a bit suspicious. Clarke gently took a crayon and showed her how to draw.

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