RWBY Abridged: That One Training Song Everyone Parodies

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Ozpin: Alright children. Today begins our first day of training.

Ruby: Boy lemme tell ya, I can barely hold my excitement.

(Y/N): Eh, you'll be fine Ruby

Nora: I don't need training. I kill things all the time.

Ren: Eum bum ba, it's ok guys she doesn't mean people, it's cool.

Yang: Woah! We got to hear Ren and Nora's voices before chapter 3 is even out. I wonder how far we can take this? Hey Pyrrha, say something!

Pyrrha: -Static-

Yang: Wow, such a beautiful voice.

Ozpin: Now as per usual here at Beacon Academy, we have a very important tradition to get our students ready to fight the monsters through Remnant, by playing them a little training music.

(You can start playing the video now.)

Ruby: What training- oh no. Oh God no.

Ozpin: This one is a particular classic that I think you'll all enjoy.

Ruby: Please, let's not do this, we're better than this.

Ozpin: But remember children, we have a long way to go.

Ruby: It's been done so many times!

Ozpin: "Let's get down to business."

Ruby: Son of a fucker!

Ozpin: "To defeat, the Grimm."

Ruby: -Groans-

Ozpin: "I asked for warriors. What I got, was him"

Jaune: Hey!

Ozpin: No one rhymes here.

Ozpin: "Your the saddest bunch I've ever met. But you can bet before we're through. Children, I'll make huntsmen, out of you."

"Tranquil as a forest. But on fire, within."

Yang: Hey Weiss, your in this song!

Weiss: Shut up!

Ozpin: "Once you use your semblance, you are sure to win."

"You're a spineless pale, pathetic lot, and you haven't got a clue. Somehow I'll make huntsmen, out of you!"

Jaune: "Guys I think that I broke my leg"

Weiss: "I hate all of you equally"

Nora: "Boy was I a fool for cutting Jim."

Ren: Yeah poor Jim.


Glinda: "These kids should learn not to beg."

Pyrrha: "-Static-"

Jaune: Guys I was serious about the whole leg thing, I think I might actually need to go to the hospital.

Ozpin: "You must be swift as a coursing river. With all the force of a great typhoon. With all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the current state of, the moon!"

Ruby: What did happen to it?

Ozpin: Nobody knows

Ozpin: "Time is racing towards us. Till the school year ends."

Yang: "C'mon Ruby cheer up! And go make some friends!"

Ruby: No you know what! "I'm not standing for this anymore. Let's pack up and go home I'm through."

Ozpin: "Not till I, make huntsmen, out of you!"

Ruby: Alright, fine...

"We must be swift as a coursing river. With all the force of a great typhoon. With all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the current state of the moon!"

"We must be swift as a coursing river. With all the force of a great typhoon. With all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the current state of the moon!"

Ruby: Yes! Finally, the school year is over, I can finally leave this place.

Catgirl: Ugh, there you guys are. I finished Eye of The Catgirl.

Weiss: Umm, what?

Catgirl: You said we were parodying a training song today.

Yang: Sorry we just finished.

Catgirl: For real?

Ruby: Yeah, but training is finally over.

Glinda: Actually Ruby, chapter 3 still hasn't come out yet. So this chapter isn't canon.

Ruby: Wait what

(Y/N): Yeah Ruby, this is just a standalone chapter. This will have no effect on the series.

Ruby: So what your saying is. When this chapter ends. All of the training we've done for the past year-

Glinda: Will be erased yes.


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