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The art of communication.

Talking to a guy.

Yes I know how nerve wrecking it can be when you really want to speak to him

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Yes I know how nerve wrecking it can be when you really want to speak to him.

You turn all sweaty, your heart beats fast and most of the time, you overthink.

Well I am here to tell you that talking to a guy completely depends on the type of guy you are talking to.

Knowing the type guy you are talking to is really a make or break for you and your feelings.

Getting to know him will assure whether or not you really like the type of person he is.

Now I know you are saying something along the lines of "how do I get to know him without talking to him?"

Relax, getting a person to fall for you takes time and you know what they say about being patient, it reaps more rewards.

In order to get to know him without talking to him you just have to follow the three golden steps.

In order to get to know him without talking to him you just have to follow the three golden steps

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• Observe
• Create a situation
• The push and pull.


When it comes to observing a guy, you have to do this in the most non-creepy way possible

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When it comes to observing a guy, you have to do this in the most non-creepy way possible. What I mean is observe but don't be in his face about it.

Observe him from the time you see him till whenever he leaves, now I am not talking about joe type stalking, for the You lovers out there, definitely not.

A COMPLETE GUIDE TO GETTING A GUYWhere stories live. Discover now