
Hey, Nikita is it cold.

Your fingers layed on the volume of your walkman turning the music up as you walk past your homeroom dodging the flying basketball being tossed from each side of the corridor. Students pushing past each other as they frantically race to their lockers, beating the first warning bell.

In your little corner of the world?

Setting your alarm to leave the house half hour earlier than usual was proving to be the biggest mistake, wanting an extra half an hour of peace and quiet before the wave of crazy teenagers filled the school halls, but instead you had half an hour less sleep and almost a basketball to the head.

You could roll around the globe.

And never find a warmer soul to know.

You entered the code to your locker, the headphones of the Walkman covering your ears from the roaring sound of the students in the corridor, you peered down wanting to turn the volume higher but seeing it had already met its max.

Oh, I saw you by the wall.

Ten of your tin soldiers in a row.

You shoved your bag in your locker taking out the books you needed for your first and second period, placing them in one hand as you fiddled with your bag.

With eyes that looked like ice on fire.

The human heart a captive in the snow.

Oh, Nikita, you will never kn-

You pulled your walkman out of your pocket, confused as to why the music had suddenly stopped playing, seeing the tape tangled.

"Seriously" you groaned, attempting to untangle it, your ears slightly ringing from the volume of the music. You heard the roaring noises of teenagers behind you but one particular voice stood out behind you making you turn around.

"Did you hear? They did it in lover lake, she's definitely pregnant, she hasn't been at school for over a week".

"Please Andrew would never fuck a girl like her, she'd be lucky if he even gets it up"

"When she comes to school pregnant I'm totally saying I told you so" the brunette replies with an eye roll to the blonde with the perfectly cut fringe which laid above her eyebrows, their cheerleading skirts swaying as they strolled through the crowd hallway.

"What if she's kicked off the cheerleading team or even water polo!" the blonde continues, slightly worried, although you didn't really know why they would be worried about Ana-Maria. It's not like they care about her.

"Please as if they'll let someone like Ana-Maria do water polo. That's probably the closest she'll ever get to touching any balls''. Their laughter echoing through the crowded hallway as students part way for the two girls as they make their way to their lockers.

"Her stomach will probably be too big it'll drag her down" the blonde continues, their laughter erupting once again sending chills down your spine, as you imagined Ana-Maria lifeless body rising above the water, her swollen stomach just able to fit around her tight water polo uniform. The image sent goosebumps bumps down your arms as you tried to distract yourself with another thought that wasn't related to drowning. But the fear was too strong. What if Andrew got you pregnant, would you sink to the bottom of the pool.

You felt your throat begin to close up, your mouth filling up with silva as your hands desperately grasping the water pulling yourself up, with each minute your lungs filling with water as you felt yourself slowly sinking deeper and deeper your feet connecting with the light blue tiles. You'd often imagine what drowning felt like, dying a slow silent death, helpless, more than you already were. No one to rescue you. Sure you knew how to swim, but the fear overtook your brain making your body numb.

Forever, Green | eddie munson x reader (y/n) |Where stories live. Discover now