You meet at Dustin's locker after the bell rings signaling the end of school and the beginning of what was probably going to be an hour and half of hell. You walk through the empty school corridor together in silence stepping over loose papers on the floor making your way to the theater where the DND campaigns were usually held.   

"You ready?" Dustin questioned placing his hand over the door knob.

No, not at all.
"Yeah" you reply back trying to sound convincing dreading to see all the familiar faces behind the door.

"It'll be ok y/n, you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to" he reassured.

"It's fine Dustin, I'll be fine. Let's just get this over and done with" he pushes the door open revealing the boys you had once sat with, all in their usual spots around the table.Your eyes quickly brushing over each member's head avoiding eye contact but met Mike's eyes as he steps forward, a frown growing on his face.

"What the hell is she doing here!" he points out, slightly angry causing the rest of the boys to look up at him turning towards you. 

"You asked for a sub and I delivered" Dustin replies, slightly stepping in front of you.

"Absolutely not" a voice comes from the end of the table shifting everyone's attention towards it. Your eyes connect with Eddie's as a grin slowly creeps to his face.

"Gee thanks guys for making me feel so welcome" you say sarcastically "and Eddie you always had a way of making me feel special" you match his grin placing your hand over your heart, his grin not disappearing as he pushes himself up off the chair as he makes his way over to you.

"I bet your new boyfriend has that under control, and I don't need you to tell me how great and wonderful he is" he begins, mimicking you receiving giggles from the boys "which reminds me shouldn't you be at his game or did you get lost on your way".

"I see nothings changed, you know he's not my boyfriend and at least he's been a better friend than you have ever been since knowing me" Lie.

Eddie knew you more than you knew yourself and you both knew how much Jason treated you like crap. He didn't deserve you. Eddie had tried countless times to tell you this but you refused to believe it until a few months ago when he only used your intelligence to benefit him. But you'll never admit that to anyone, especially Eddie.  

You watched his eyes twitch slightly, his grin slowly falling from his face, you knew that hurt him. For a moment you felt sorry for him, wishing you could take it back but then again you remembered he'd also said things that hurt you in the past. You waited for his comeback but it never came. He lowered his eyes towards the floor, catching a quick glimpse of the pain in his eyes. You hadn't been this close to each other in months. You could see the bags under his eyes formed from the lack of sleep he'd been getting since the fight and you knew he'd started smoking more now to calm his nerves. 

"Eddie, i'm sor-" you begin but he cuts you off.

"Then don't come crying to me when you see who he really is" he frowns "Now are you in or out Green?"

"Thats cute Munson who ever said I needed you, now whether i'm in or out, i'm in and not because Dustin paid me to play your stupid game but because I want to kick your ass so far into the ground you'll need a shovel to dig you back up again so are doing this or not?"

You watched as the smile grew back on his face "Welcome back to hellfire" he said, extending his hand out, you scanned the room locking eyes with every single member as they all stared back at you, looking down at Eddie's hand you connected your hand with his.


You shake the small black dice around in your hands, feeling each corner poke your palm. Every eye was on you as your roll would determine whether or not you'd defeat Vecna.

Forever, Green | eddie munson x reader (y/n) |Where stories live. Discover now