"Y/N! Get up or you'll be late for school" your mom shouts from the kitchen. Your eyes feel heavy as they slowly begin to open, a streak of light peers through a small gap in your curtains hitting your skin, illuminating your pale face from the lack of sleep you had received mainly from staying up till 2am finishing both yours and Jason's reports.

You peered down at your walkman which laid on the floor, it was the only thing that helped you relax at night getting some sleep in. You must have kicked it off your bed while you slept.

"Dad, have you seen the tennis racket? I need it for PE" you hear Molly shout outside your door.

"I think it's in your brother's room" your dad replies before he continues "tell your sister to get up".

You rolled your eyes, all you wanted to do was to be left alone "I'm up!" you shout at no one in particular before your sister is able to get to your door, annoying you even more.

You roll out of bed pushing your curtains back, the sun turning your room a golden color like it did most mornings. That was one of Eddie's favorite things about your room. How each angle of the sun turned your room different shades of gold, not knowing if the sun was rising or setting. You wondered if your room had released his absence these last few months.

Making your way to your closet you grab a green striped tank top, blue denim shorts and a beige button up acting as an extra layer in case you got cold, though you didn't need it as Hawkins was going through a heat wave.

Making your way to your closet you grab a green striped tank top, blue denim shorts and a beige button up acting as an extra layer in case you got cold, though you didn't need it as Hawkins was going through a heat wave

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(Ignore the accessories)

Making your way to the bathroom you shared with your brother, as it sat between your rooms, his things still remained in the cabinet you both shared, untouch, just as he had left it but his toothbrush and razors were gone from when he had packed it before he left for college. You added a bit of concealer under your eyes with the hopes of covering the dark circles laying under your eyes. You took one last look at yourself. "Good enough" you huffed before you were met with your sister as she made her way down the corridor to the kitchen.

"Wow what's with all the green, Green" Molly came up beside you folding her arms in front of her "getting tired of people calling you freak" she smirks looking at you up and down.

You picked up your green converses "your so funny, when did you start becoming a bitch" you reply as you both walked into the kitchen.

"Hey watch your mouth please" your mother turns around hearing your reply "Come on guys, you haven't even had breakfast yet and are already arguing".

"She started it" you grab a slice of toast your mom had already prepared you.

"How old are you again y/n" Molly points more of a statement than a question, while pouring a cup of coffee for herself.

"You know coffee stunts your growth" you raise one eyebrow at your sister.

"Shut up" she puts the coffee down.

Forever, Green | eddie munson x reader (y/n) |Where stories live. Discover now