He was staring at you.

Why was he staring?

Did you have something on your face? He hadn't spoken or looked at you since the day you blew up at him, the day you lost your best friend.

You frowned a little. Not because you were mad at him for staring but because you were confused as to why he was staring at you for this long, he didn't even try looking away. You quickly break contact before gazing back down at your book. But you still feel the same pair of those beautiful eyes that lit flames in your heart continue to stare back at you making your cheeks turn a light pink.

You look up at him once again except now a small smile creeps to his lips, your frown slowly disappearing from your face.

"You want something freak" both your attention moves to Jason as he pushes himself off his chair and onto his feet. Shaking your head you move back to your book, your bright red cheeks fading back to white as Eddie's eyes move to Jason no longer feeling he's eyes on you.

You stare at the page blankly for a moment, processing what had happened moments ago.

"What do you have next period?" Lucas asks, snapping you from your thoughts

You stare blankety at the boy, not processing anything he was saying to you. You were too distracted with the thought of Eddie looking let alone smiling at you. Why was he smiling? Was it a pity smile because you were sitting with Jason.

"Y/n? Hello?" Lucas waves a hand in front of your face, now snapping you out

"Sorry" you close your book rubbing your hand on your tired dry eyes from the lack of sleep you have been getting.

"Are you ok?" The boy asks "you look really pale"

"Yeah I'm just tired" you force a smile "what was the question?"

"What do you have next period?" You knew he was trying to come up with more small talk.

"I have a free period, I'll probably just go to the library" you packed your book in your bag "I need to finish a few things for Jason"

"Or you can sleep" the boy stood up as the lunch bell echoed through the hall signaling the end of lunch.

"I wish I had time for that" you throw your bag over your shoulders "see you around" you smiled shyly at the boy before making your way out of the lunch hall.


You sit quietly in the library as you finish writing the conclusion to Jason's assessment that was due tomorrow. You read over the last few sentences a smile creeping to your face as you had managed to finish the essay in less than an hour.

"Y/N!" You hear a voice behind you making you jump. You look behind you spotting Dustin

"I've been looking all over for you".

"Jesus Dustin, you didn't have to scream my name out" scanning the library seeing students shoot their heads towards him.

"Sorry but it's super important" he whispers before continuing "I already know what the answer is going to be but I'll try anyway you know shooting the shit" pulling out the chair next to you "I was thinking canyoubeoursub for tonight's game".

"What?" You asked confused "I can't understand you when you're talking a million miles an hour and mumbling".

He huffs knowing he'd have to repeat himself again

"y/n" he says slower this time "we really need a sub for tonight's DND game, can you please please please be our sub?" he begins to beg.

Your eyes widen "what no, no absolutely not" you turn back to the paper that laid on the desk. He was being ridiculous, you thought to yourself.

"Please y/n it's our last campaign of the semester and we need you".

"Why can't you get Lucas?" you question.

"Because he's got the stupid game on tonight".

"Righttt well I was kinda thinking of going" you pause "you know for Jason".

"No offense but I doubt he'll even notice you were there" he says sounding more whiny "Please y/n"

You roll your eyes, thinking for a moment "will he be there?".

He adjusts his hat for a moment, he knew exactly who you were referring to "Well he is the leader of hellfire".

Before you can say no, he interrupts you.

"I'll pay you" he says as if that was the best idea he's ever come up with "and you wouldn't even have to talk to him".

You glance down at Jason's paper you knew he was right, Jason wouldn't care if you were there or not and even if you didn't go it's not like you had anywhere to be. You'd just spend the rest of the afternoon laying on our bed with the record on, drowning out your thoughts.

"How much we talking?"


You stare at the boy. Seriously

"35" you say back


"Congrats Dustin you've just upped the price to 50, take it or no deal"

"Jesus y/n who do you think I am?"

"Ok then enjoy losing your silly campaign"

"Fine! Got damn it, $50 it is then and it's not a silly game, you used to play it too you know" he reaches into his pocket for his wallet.

"Good doing business with your sir" you shake his hand taking the money.

"We better win tonight or else I'll end you Green" he says before walking away.

You giggle at his comment as he walks out of the library.

How bad could it be, apart from Eddie being there, you could just ignore him, you doubted he'd even want to speak with you. All you had to do was play the game, win and then you can get the hell out of there without any interaction with him. You were a pro at DND, how hard can it be?

Forever, Green | eddie munson x reader (y/n) |Where stories live. Discover now