chapter 23

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(Nick POV)

"You're hopeless."

I sputter out a laugh. "Wow, thanks," I say, giggling. 

Karl smiles. "You're welcome." 

"I know I'm hopeless," I groan, falling back in bed. "That's why I need help!"

He giggles. "What, do you want me to fly over there and take the test for you?"

I scoff. "You're taller than me. They'd notice."

He bursts out laughing. "Not the hair, not the face, not the build, not the clothes, but the height?" he asks. 

I shrug. "If you lined up 20 guys who look anything like me and asked the kids in my History class to pick me, they'd pick someone else."

He hums. "Even when you're the face of the school?"

I forgot about that.


He laughs. "Liar."

"Knock knock," Mom says, rapping her knuckles on my doorframe. 

I glance up. "I thought you were with Cherry," I say. 

She grins. "I was. They're here now though, and they'd like to say hi to Karl."

Karl smothers a gasp. I smile down at him before looking back up at Mom. "He'd love that."

Cherry dances in, their signature wide smile on their face, eyebrows wiggling like they always do around Mom. It reminds me of when they first came over when Karl's foster mom got arrested. 

Wait. Wouldn't Mom have recognized them? I know they recognized her... not that they let on about that fact. 


"Hey Nicky!" Cherry sings, scampering over. "Heard you're on a call with my boy." 

Karl gives me a look. He knows I hate the nickname "Nicky," which is why everyone uses it.

"Your boy?" I ask. "I thought he was mine."

Karl frowns at me. Excuse me, but I am not a prize to be won.

"You're right, Karl," Cherry says, nodding solemnly. "I'm sorry."

We both look at them. "You know ASL?" I ask. 

They shrug. "I mean, yeah. I didn't know y'all were learning it."

I chuckle. "Yeah, we are. Well, I'll let you and Karl catch up," I say, rolling off my bed. Cherry giggles excitedly, moving to take my place in front of my laptop. I walk over to Mom and lean against the wall next to her. We watch our partners, both of which are using their hands animatedly, though it's obvious in Karl's case.

A small part of me wonders why Karl hasn't spoken to Cherry. He seems to really trust them... but then again, I don't know what his "criteria" for talking is. 

Oh well. 

(Karl POV)

Cherry pauses and glances at their phone. "Oh, sugarsticks," they mutter. "I have to go. It was great seeing you again, hon." They blow me kiss and I pretend to catch it and press it to my cheek. I'm disappointed we can't talk longer, but they probably have other clients now.

Nick reappears on my screen, grinning. Cherry tosses me a subtle smirk. I'll leave you to your boy, they sign. 

"I know ASL too, Cherry," Nick says, rolling his eyes playfully. "I understand you just fine."

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