chapter 13

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A/N: if you guys didnt like the last chapter, y'all are gonna hate this one haha. love ya <3

(Nick POV)

I could go on and on about how slow the weeks went, how every day took forever to pass, how the only good part of my day was calling Karl. 

And while some days definitely took longer than others, for the most part, it was easy. I was kept busy with basketball training, homework and studying, and my friends. They made sure to pull me out of the house whenever we were all free. I'm sure they knew what I'll just spend my time in my room waiting for Karl to text me back otherwise.

I'm clingy, okay?

Most of my days follow a routine: wake up, get ready for school, practice at 7 am on Thursdays, but every other day I wait for Bad to pick me up, then I go through school, basketball until 5:30 every day, go home, eat, finish homework, then play video games until bed if my friends don't drag me out. And every night, at 10 o' clock, I call Karl. We try to FaceTime as often as possible. 

But even then, I still can't wait for winter break.

(Karl POV)

I can't help but feel hyperaware of the fact that Alex's hand is on my thigh. I'm also aware of the fact my face might be as red as a bottle of ketchup. 

Not even Nick does this very often.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Alex asks. 

He's already asked this three times in five minutes. 

I nod.

"Karl, you're bright red."

I'm fine, I promise, I sign. 

He doesn't look like he believes me, and moves his hand closer to my knee. 

I turn back to my computer, where the Google Form for the job is open. The cursor blinks up at me, prompting me to continue filling out the space I'm on right now, but my brain is a million miles away.

My phone buzzes, snapping me out of my trance, if that's what you can call this. 

Dream: i really hope you know nick is being lame cuz youre not here

Dream hasn't texted me in weeks.

Me: what?? 

Dream: its like his dog died

Me: lmao oh noooo

Dream: yeah, we have to drag him out of his room, otherwise he might not leave

Me: doesnt he do that anyways

Dream: lol true

Me: how is it back home otherwise?

Me: i miss you guys :(

Dream: we miss you too!!!

Dream: we're good tho. senior year is keeping bad, sapnap and i busy. skeppy and george seem kinda swamped too, but thats what the get for choosing computer programming and coding

Me: L for them

Dream: yes

Dream: hows college for you?

Me: college is okay. im definitely not swamped, but im still busy every night

Me: is school still homphobic?

Dream: obviously

Dream: damn, i gotta go. we should schedule a facetime date with everyone soon!


Me: have fun with george ;)

Dream: howd you know

Me: magic

Dream: lol

Dream: bayeee

Me: buh bye

I set my phone back on the mattress next to me as Alex stands, excusing himself to the bathroom. I continue filling out the rest of the form, finishing most of it before he returns. "You almost done?" he asks. I nod. He smiles. "Wanna do something tomorrow to celebrate?" 

But I haven't gotten the job.

"You're a shoe-in."

I curl my nose and grin, to which he giggles. Sure, we could do something, I sign. 

He grins. "Awesome."

As I complete the form, I remember Nick. How is it possible that this boy next to me has the power to make me forget I'm in love with someone?

I hit 'submit' and stand to put it on my desk. Alex takes that as his cue to scoop up his books and papers and dump them all on his own desk. I glance at my phone: 9:54. Oh shit, Nick's gonna call me in six minutes. 

I pull on my slippers and pocket my room keys. Alex shoots me a weird look. "It's 10 at night," he says. "Where are you going?"

I'll be back in less than 30 minutes, I sign. Don't worry.

He looks vaguely worried, but turns away. I hurry out of the room and turn to run down the halls. There's a few libraries on campus, one of which is on this floor. Thankfully. And they don't close till 11. 

I slow down and creep into the library. There's a few students still in here, studying away. I go to the very back corner of the library, where I found the small cavern-thing. Just in time too. As I settle down, my phone lights up with a FaceTime call from Nick. 

The smile on my face is instentaneous.


I creep back into the dorm at 10:20. The light is still on, but Alex could be passed o-


I jump so hard. 

He giggles and sits up in bed. A book falls to the floor as he does so. "Sorry," he says. "How are you?"

I grin and walk over to my bed. Good. You?

He curls his feet under his legs, sitting criss cross. "Exhausted."

I didn't wake you, did I?

He shakes his head. "Oh no, don't worry. I was actually waiting for you to get back." 

I cock my head and frown, but he wouldn't know this is me asking 'why'. I only ever did it with Nick. 


He shrugs. "To say goodnight?"

I give him a bullshit glare. We both know that's not why. 

He giggles and stands. He crosses over to my side of the room in three steps and sits next to me. I tuck my legs under me and face him, and he does the same. I expect him to continue talking, but he doesn't. He just... looks at me. 

It's the look Nick always gives me. Like I'm the only one who matters to him. It's a look full of love and care, and I always get butterflies whenever he does it.

Alex doing it is different. It makes my brain shout at me, but my heart gags it to shut it up, letting me feel whatever the hell I want without feeling guilty about Nick. Alex doing it gives me severe butterflies, like the first time Nick did it. I feel my face heat up when his gaze drops. He takes a deep breath and chews on his lower lip. 

It's as he begins to lean in that my brain rips the gag away. It's as his breath hits my lips that it screams Nick's name louder than it has this entire month. 

And it's as his lips touch mine that I realize I can't get out of this anymore. 

Word Count 1093


love you <3

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