1. A surprising visit in the middle of the night

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A/N : quick intro [12.25.2015]

Once upon a time a young girl who's dream was to become an author...[it still is tho]
[I was about 12 when I first started writing this(so please excuse me if there are any mistakes in the first few chapters... I'm going to correct that all really soon)]
I was a young girl, living in Switzerland with a poor English vocabulary and grammar. When the idea for this fanfic came I already was in fandoms for a year or so and my English had grown better. One day I entered a new fandom : PJO and HoO the envy came to me to write a Reynico story (Which was my absolute OTP back then. It's still one of my ships now). Soon after I discovered Wattpad, I really loved it and started writing. It has been a great time in my life from there on. I did not update a lot because of school and of my insufficient English skills but I always loved writing and I always will.

I don't own the characters (besides some OCs here and there) all the others are from the amazing (and cruel) Rick Riordan. But I own the entire plot!!

I really hope you guys are going to enjoy this story.

I wrote this A/N way after I started writing the story as the date can prove it.

[I started writing this Fanfic in Spring 2015.]

~ Reyna ~

"Goodnight Praetor" Hazel said.

"Goodnight Levesque" Reyna answered.

Reyna walked to her office in the night's fresh air. She oppened the door and sat down at her working desk. Nobody was here, she took a deep breath, her gaze wandering through the office.

It is not that she hated Frank, no of course not, he was one of her best friends, but he enjoyed life way too much to be a praetor and she felt really stupid to let him go and do all the work by herself.

All the paperwork she had to do before the next morning was going to be the death of her. She was extremely tired but she wouldn't admit it.

She had decided to let Frank go although she needed help, it was all her own fault.

After a while of boring paperwork, she decided to take a five minutes break and sat in her comfortable sofa promising herself to continue the work really soon.

But her brain did not agree and turned everything off. Without even noticing she fell asleep.

-- a few hours later --

Reyna woke up to the sound of someone knocking on her door.

Who could it be? Someone or maybe... something? The praetor thought.

Eventually, she stood up and walked towards the door. It was the middle of the night who could it possibly be?

"Reyna please open I'm exhausted." A familiar voice said, barely audible.

"Nico?! Is that you?" The praetor urged her walk to the door and opened it bright, Nico was sitting next to the door. Reyna noticed he had red eyes. Of crying? Or maybe was he exhausted because of his shadow travelling but he didn't want to show it? She didn't know.

"Come on in" she said to him with a calm voice "you're always welcome here".

"Thanks" Nico said trying to smile but it mad it look fake. Reyna was now sure he was sad and that he had cried a lot.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Nothing..." Nico responded "Nothing happened at all".

"Why are you here then?!" She asked, desperately trying to get a proper answer out of him.

Nico didn't answer. Reyna looked down and saw his eyes closed.

He must have fainted she thought. She ruffled his hair and carried him to the couch where she lied him down for him to rest peacefully. Her eyelids were starting to feel heavy as well, she let her feet carry her to an armchair without thinking and fell asleep as soon as she touched the chair's fabric.

Okay so I don't own the characters guys. If I would I wouldn't be here... Writing this fanfic about them and messing up like a little shit.
Hope you liked this very first chapter though, I'm sorry if it's bad...

~ Camy

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