6. Flying away from the island

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~ Leo ~

Leo was finished. Festus was able to fly again. Happy, he stood up and walked to Calypso.

"So you finished? This means we're going right?" Calypso asked.

"Yes and yes but first of all I would like to eat if its possible" Leo said exhausted of the work he did. Calypso returned inside and came out a few minutes later with two plates of chicken, vegetables and mashed potatoes.

"Here you go" she said while sitting, she took her fork and started to eat. Leo completely jumped on the food and ate the whole content of his plate in less than 4 minutes. Calypso looked at him amused.

"Wshaaat?" He said the mouth full of food. Calypso started to laugh instead of answering and she soon got joined by Leo. When Calypso finished eating as well she stood up and cleaned everything while Leo made the finalisations on Festus. Leo looked at Calypso making her packages he didn't wanted to annoy her so he waited on a rock playing with some pieces of metal he had found in his pocket. After a while, he felt Calypso's hand on his shoulder. Leo looked up and smiled at her.

"Let's go" she said smiling back. Leo nodded and walked to his good old friend, he helped Calypso putting up her luggage and her self on the dragons back. Leo walked up to Festus' head.

"You are ready to fly again" he whispered to the metal dragon. "Bring us to Jason and Piper" Leo walked away but got stopped by Festus' noises. Leo turned around and looked to the dragon. His smile had vanished.

"What they aren't on the same continent!?" He exclaimed. "They never separe beside when Jason goes to Camp Jupiter... and that's still America..." Leo though a while. "Then bring us to where the biggest part of my friends are." Leo walked to the dragon's back and climbed on him.

"Let's go buddy" he said with a friendly tab on festus side.

* * *

After a while of flying they arrived near New York. Leo was thinking that they would land now but actually not. Festus continued to fly direction north. Leo turned around and saw that Calypso fell asleep, he looked at her and let her at her peaceful dreams.

~ Reyna ~

Annabeth and Reyna were searching for a plane to Europe without much success. The soonest flight that had enough free places was in two weeks. Reyna sighed.

"This is unuseful" she said.

"Agreed... We gotta find another way to go to- " Annabeth couldn't finish her sentence because Percy jumped on them. "What the hell Seaweed Brain!" She exlaimed.

"Leo is here!" Percy said. "And Calypso too" he mumbled.

"I don't know if I should be happy or not" his girlfriend said. Reyna was looking at Percy.

"Wait are you serious?" She asked him.

"Yep and Festus is here too. Leo says that with the amelirations he brought him Festus could take us all to Europe" the two girls looked at him. All that worry for absolutely nothing.

"Come on girls" Percy said pushing them to the others.

Reyna looked at the boy, the girl and the dragon. The boy was for sure Leo and the dragon was Festus. But she never saw the girl before. Maybe someone friendly? She seriously hoped so. All what she knew about that girl was her name and the little part of greek mythology she had read about her. It was really weird because she had read that Calyso couldn't go away from her island... but well, anything could happen with Leo and she knew that. She looked at the others hugging, but she stayed away not really wanting to show affection in that moment.

"Hey, guys." Leo said waving to Reyna and Nico, who also had been staying away. Reyna decided to wave back and Nico just nodded. Leo turned back to the others. "Does anyone know where Jason is?" He asked.

"Only that he is in Europe" Piper told him and all looked to Reyna. Under all those looks Reyna wanted to disappear. It was really weird because as the praetor she was used to much more looks on her.

"I don't know anything else" She said lying to her friends without that they really notice. Only Nico looked at her really suspiciously. Leo looked at them all.

"I think we shall go now." He said. All nodded and walked to Festus, who was now way taller than before and had enough place for all of them. Leo made a move with his hand to stop them of climbing. "Wait a little bit guys" He said and vanished on the other side of the dragon. Suddenly two platforms appeared on festus, one on each side behind the dragon's wings. Walls growed on the platforms and soon enough a little house had been constructed on the dragon's back, under Reyna's medused eyes. Finally some reactors appeared under the house's basis. Leo returned to his friends.

"Now you can climb in" He said smirking to his friends. The others didn't hesitate more than a second to climb in.

* * *

They were on festus for two hours and had made the house exactly like they wanted it to be when a sudden tempest made them jump on their feet and looking out the window to the dark grey clouds. Suddenly a window opened wide on the sky, all runned to the opposite side. Reyna looked at them all.

"If we all stay here Festus is going to be destabilised" Leo yelled to be heard by his friends above the noises of the tempest. Reyna fell in a second state and looked at Percy walking forwards to the window without moving. She saw him while he was trying to close the window, she saw him falling down but she couldn't move. She was in shock.

"PERCYYYYYYYY, NOOOOOO" Annabeth's desesperated yell brought her back to reality.

"I'll tell to festus to catch him." Leo said loud enough so that all could hear. "But for Olympus' sake close this window" After that he ran to the doorthat brought to the dragon's head and closed it behind him. Reyna walked as quick as possible to the window and closed it.

- Percy  -

Percy felt the world and the tempest. He saw his whole life passing before his eyes, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Piper, Jason, Leo, Reyna, Nico and all the others, his father, Chiron and suddenly blank. Only the wind in his ears. So... this is death. He thought and closed his eyes.

Cliffy for ya all <3

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


- Camy D.

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