2. Can't hold it anymore

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~ Nico ~

It was now morning, everyone, Reyna included, was sleeping.

Nico opened his eyes but soon after he disappeared in awful flashbacks.

Flashback - 3 days ago

Nico was walking alone in the forest.

He was lost in all the sad and horrible memories he had, wich to be honest were way too much pain for a 16 years old boy. Bianca's death... Percy and Annanbeth holding hands... Tartarus... What he said to Cupid... When he thought Reyna was dead... and a lot of other stuff.

All his bad memories were comming up but he knew that if he told them to someone they would laugh at him or simply wouldn't care.

Suddenly he heard a scream. Will's scream. He didn't pay attention, he thought it was nothing at all and anyway, he wanted some peace. After some more time of thinking he walked back. Once at the camp he ignored everything and walked directly to his bed. Too tired to care about the looks people were giving him and the whispers full of sadness, regret, pain and anger.

- 2 days later

Nico walked out of his room after two days alone in the Hades cabine. Soon was the autumn dance and he wanted to ask if Will wanted to go with him.

He was feeling something weird in the camp. Usually everyone was smiling and happy but today everything feeled strange. Nico knew the feeling in the others heart. He could recognise it between 100 of others, because that feeling was sadness. He passed through the other demigods in urge and walked directly to the Apollo cabin. There, everybody was crying. Nico searched for Will and he found him on his bed with closed eyes. A few of his half brothers and sisters were around him. They all looked scared, tired and really sad at the same time. When they saw Nico entering all turned to him and starred at him in sorrow.

"What happened" Nico yelled "someone tell me what happened..."

Tears were comming up in his eyes.

"Will was bitten by a spider which had a really deadly venom. I'm afraid that we can not do anything for him anymore." A brown haired girl answered trying to hide her emotions.

"Nico..." Will said in a last breathe. "do me a favour and take care of you" He smirked a last time and closed his eyes forever.

That was the thing too much in the amount of sadness inside of him. Solace couldn't just leave him. He wasn't allowed to die now! Nico ran out and shadow travelled to New Rome.

End of the flashback

Nico woke up. When he oppened his eyes, everything was blurry. He saw a purple ghost-silhouette he couldn't distinguish. Hey wait! A purple ghost ?! What the...?! Nico thought. Only when the silhouette turned around he found out it was actually Reyna.

"You're awake!" She said happily.

"How long did I sleep?" He asked. Reyna looked at him with her dark brown eyes.

"Uhm... a night and a day" she answered. "Look outside the sun is going down"

"Oh... yeah..." he said after looking out the window. "You're right... I slept so much... too much"

"But you needed it 'cause if you didn't you wouldn't have slept that much you know" Nico nodded, inclining to the truth of her tellings. He thought a bit and decided he should tell her because Reyna was his closest friend and one of the only ones he really trusted. So he told her. He felt Reyna's surprise even though she was trying to hide it and to stay strong for him.

"Are you comming to eat?" She asked. He nodded. Both walked out to the others who were already eating. Nico walked to his sister and started talking with her. He ate at the same time, it was making so long he didn't ate that much, but a sad air was still on his face.

After dinner

Everybody was sleeping but Nico was still outside. He walked to the garden of Bacchus. There he saw Reyna's shadow. He sat down a bit behind her and starred at her.

So that's the end of this chapter hope you enjoyed!

~ Camy

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