Chapter 33: The Maiden's Decision

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Maigred let out a breath. Finten was tucked into Maigred's bed sleeping peacefully. His infection was lanced, his wounds were cleaned and bandaged. His fever was still raging, but it seemed to have come down some. "Thank you Sinead, you're getting really good at this."

Sinead smiled at Maigred "I have a good teacher."

Maigred smiled back and squeezed Sinead's shoulder. "Keep an eye on him. I'm going to take all this downstairs, I'll be right back."

Sinead gave a quick nod. "Take the water down and I'll gather everything else for you to get when you come back.

Maigred nodded. She lifted the heavy pot of blood and puss contaminated water, and carefully carried it down the stairs.

The breakfast rush was over. There were still a few customers scattered around the dining room, but it was mostly empty. Eoghan was clearing tables and wiping them down. Maigred smiled at him and went towards the kitchen. She was just coming around the edge of the doorway when she froze. Cathal was standing in front of the work table, a long knife in his hand. He gently slid the edge of the knife blade over the skin of his forearm. Maigred's chest constricted. Where is Aoibh?

Small beads of blood welled up along the shallow cut. Cathal's eyes were fixed on the cut, he slowly exhaled, his shoulders relaxing.

Aoibh walked up beside Cathal.

Cathal's head jerked up, startled. "I- I'm sorry, Aoibh." Aoibh reached up and took the knife out of his unresisting hands. His shoulders shrank inward. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I wasn't...I just needed- I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"Shh," Aoibh said softly. "Let me bandage this." She led Cathal away from the table and Maigred lost sight of them. She could hear Aoibh's voice murmuring softly.

Maigred went back and sat at one of the empty tables in the dining room. She wanted to give them a moment before she came into the kitchen and she needed to calm her beating heart. She was surprised by the way Cathal had reacted to Aoibh catching him cutting himself, and frankly by the way Aoibh had handled the situation as well.

Usually when Maigred caught Cathal in the act he was very non-responsive, but he had immediately apologized to Aoibh. They must be closer than she thought.

Maigred knew that sometimes the need to harm himself overwhelmed Cathal, usually he would lock himself in his room whenever he felt the urge coming on. But sometimes he did hurt himself. Maigred had always worried over what would happen if she wasn't there to stop him. From the way they had interacted, it looked like Aoibh had caught him in the act before.

Maigred wasn't sure how she felt about that. Did that mean she wasn't watching her brother closely enough?

Maigred took a deep breath and got back up. She lugged the pot into the kitchen and to the back door. Cathal was sitting in one of the chairs in the corner rolling his sleeve down. Aoibh tucked something into her pocket.

"Open the door for me, please." Maigred asked.

Aoibh opened the back door for her and Maigred went out, wondering if Cathal would be upstairs locked in his room before she came back in. But after she emptied the pot, washed her hands and came back inside, Cathal was still in the kitchen, clearing off the worktable.

"How did breakfast go?" Maigred asked, her eyes fixed on Cathal.

"It went fine. How's Finten?" Cathal asked in a low voice.

Maigred continued to study Cathal as she answered. "His wounds are cleaned and bandaged. I've given him a sleeping draft, hopefully things will take a turn for the better."

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