𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑥- 𝑇𝑜𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑤

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As the group made it back out into the lobby, Robin split from them, diverting her way towards the restroom and ignoring the odd looks from the returned staff member. She already had a bad reputation in the building, so what was a little more?

The door swung open just as easily as it did last time, revealing a stunned Harrington in exactly the same place that he was left in.

"Come on, Dingus." She spoke, holding open the door for him as he passed through, catching eye of Nancy and Eddie who were marching towards the exit.

He looked slightly confused, peering at Robin with an inquisitive glare as she simply nodded in response.

"Nancy's sorted it out." A simple sentence, but Steve knew exactly what it had meant.

The two of them sped towards the exit, rushing through the lobby incase there was a chance that Kay would come wandering out. Thankfully, though, she didn't, and the four of them easily took their chance to leave.

It was dark outside by that point; the final light of the day diminishing as they were sat in their seats. Nancy had stopped in her rampage, slowing to a normal pace as if nothing had ever happened. She paused, brushed down her shirt and cleared her throat.
"Well, there's that one done."

Robin chuckled slightly at Eddie's expression. He'd already seen how quickly Wheeler could get things done, but he hadn't seen it in a while. Perhaps it was a shock for him to be reminded so suddenly. The pure power of Nancy Wheeler was nothing to be underestimated.

Steve looked to still be mentally in the cinema as they all strolled down the street. Buckley stayed sandwiched in between Wheeler and Harrington, with Munson tagging along next to the shortest. All four of them had their hands in some sort of pockets- whether it be trousers or jackets- and they were all quite relaxed in their silence. The destination was undecided as of yet, but nonetheless, the walk was going somewhere.

After a few moments, Buckley released an arm from her pocket, linking it around Steve's and kicking out her legs in front of her.
"Another day, another date. Another date, another... failed date."

Steve pursed his lips as Robin did the same.

"Thanks, Rob." He spoke sarcastically, huffing out a faint laugh and nodding his head. "Cheers to the next?"

The woman nodded, lifting a fake wine bottle with her opposite hand and miming it towards Steve who was bringing his forwards, too. In midair, they cheered to it, clinking the missing space together and mimicking taking a swig. The two of them chuckled and bought their hands down, letting them fall lazily to their sides.

Nancy and Eddie stayed quiet beside, smiling at the airborne celebration and enjoying their slow walk.

The streetlights were on, illuminating small puddles of the path in front. They stretched on for ages; down all roads, down most alleyways, and the group hopped across them, swimming through the light until they left it and met another.

Robin and Steve's arms were still intertwined. She stared up to the sky, spotting the faint spark of a star or two as a gap in the lights entered the space once more. Her head tilted upwards, becoming more and more up-facing as the watch continued. It was peaceful, to be strolling with three of her closest friends and to not be saying a word.

That was up until she broke the silence.
"We should do something soon. Just the four of us."

In synchronisation, the remaining three turned to her.

Steve nodded.
"It would be nice, yeah."

Eddie nodded, too.
"I concur."

Nancy, however, didn't feel the need to reply.

Robin made a 'hmm' sound from her lips, displaying that there was a thought about to be spoken.
"How about tomorrow? I'm free tomorrow."

Munson made a sharp noise, almost as if he'd been stung.
"Ah, sorry, Buckley- but I'm busy then."

"Same here." Added Harrington, screwing up his features in apology.

Just before all hope was lost, Robin turned her head to the side.
"Nance?" The final member was questioned.

A reply wasn't all of a sudden relevant, but after a seemingly slow moment of pondering, Nancy Wheeler made her say.

"Yeah, I'm free tomorrow."

𝐷𝑜𝑝𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑛, 𝑂𝑥𝑦𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑛- 𝑅𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒Where stories live. Discover now