𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦- 𝐺𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒

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"Harrington!" Eddie called as he waltzed his way into the kitchen, arms wide and teens following behind. "How are you doing on this fine evening?"

In notice of the energetic yet snarky entrance, Steve turned in his stance, nodding a welcome and setting a small-plastered grin. Robin smiled too, even though she'd already said her hello.
"I'm alright, man. You?"

"As good as I can be when Henderson hasn't shut up for the past hour." Munson snickered in reply, turning his gaze towards the younger boy with a sarcastic and riling stare.

"Hey!" Dustin retaliated, catching air on the unnecessary insult. "You asked me about my character sheet organisation- do you expect me to just go vague on this topic?!"

"Should've known it'd be about that damn game." The eldest spoke, shooting a communicative glare at his best friend.

"When is it not?"
Max rolled herself towards the counter, grabbing a cold Coke for herself before tossing a beer over to Eddie.

Steve huffed.
"Oh, help yourself, then- can we not throw the drinks?"

Munson chuckled.
"Yeah, Max- don't throw the drinks."

"You ought to be lucky I threw it to you and not at you."

Max's attitude always made Robin laugh. She chuckled under her breath, dipping her chin to the ground as she leaned against the sideboard. Eddie joined her in the expression, turning down the corners of his lips to hide it.
He then blinked, flipping the beer tab with his thumb and taking a swig.
"Wheeler and Heidi not here yet?"

The mention made Robin's stomach drop. In the moment, she'd completely forgotten about them.

"Nope- keep an eye out, though." Steve answered. "They should be here any minute."

The time was ticking shorter. Buckley didn't even know what movie they were watching, and never told the others, either. She hoped to God that it was something she could zone out into, or something at least mildly entertaining.
Knowing Steve's painstaking taste in media, though, she assumed that it wouldn't be.

Harrington kicked his foot out in front of him, taking a step and reaching his hand for a couple of bowls.
"Right, then- let's get these set up."

The rest of the group watched his action, picking up on what was needed and advancing towards the drinks and snacks.
Dustin nodded, along with Eddie, grasping the first bowl and turning himself towards the doorway.

Max grabbed a couple of cans as she positioned her bottle in between her legs for balance and so it wouldn't spill. When a few were piled onto her lap, she turned to follow the other visitor.

Robin collected the remainder of the bottles, following in pursuit to the wheelchair which had exited the kitchen. The glass was still cold on her palms, condensation from the temperature pooling in the creases of her skin. It was nice for it to be cool again.

The group of them walked through the dining room into the open living room, lined up the items on the coffee table, and then paused.
Now, only Nancy and Heidi were the final two remaining.

Eddie exhaled, placing his beer onto the fireplace ledge and wiping the condensation from his hands onto the thighs of his jeans.
"Right, Red, you wanna be on the couch?"

Max thought for a moment, taking a blink.
"Yeah, my legs might go numb or something if I'm stuck in this for too long."
She gestured towards her metal frame with a glint of a smirk, tilting her head down as she shrugged in humour.

"Alright, smart ass, very funny." Eddie joked, stepping towards the girl as she wheeled to the side of her chosen seat.

Mayfield huffed and rolled her eyes as she readied herself for the move.
"Arm, please."

"Of course, m'lady." Eddie snickered, lowering himself in a fake curtesy as he rolled out his arm for the grab.

"Shut up, you weirdo." She replied as she put a hand on his arm, using the sturdiness to lift herself from one chair to the other.
When she had finished shuffling along the surface and was comfortably moved, Eddie pulled away to push the handles of the object to the side of the room.

Robin watched on as Dustin grabbed a handful of popcorn from one of the many bowls and took a heavy throwback onto the neighbouring seat. Mayfield rolled her eyes at his entrance and settled down.

Steve's living room was the perfect shape for gatherings. With one side being open due to the joint dining room, it housed two couches and a smaller armchair. The small but up to date television sat on a unit in the corner, just after the open fireplace which sat in the middle of the main wall, and there was a nice cabinet behind the main, central couch, taking position as a bookcase of sorts.

Robin stared to the drooping flower vase upon the surface as she mentally observed the seating arrangements.

Max was seated on the right-side-middle of the main couch, with Dustin to the right of her, also.
Eddie had just slouched down onto the only single-seater, beer can resumed in hand.

So, that left the remaining four spaces- three, now, since Steve had taken a seat on the opposite couch.

The choices were becoming slim and Robin had a gut feeling that they'd soon become slimmer.
It only made sense that Heidi would have to sit next to Steve, since it was a date- so that left two options; next to Max, or one from Max.
And it wasn't Max that was the problem.

Buckley's stomach dropped in the same pattern that it always did. She couldn't ask anyone to move- it would be weird of her to do so- so, she simply just took her position next to Mayfield, eyes staring upon the seat in which Nancy Wheeler had to occupy.

Perhaps she'd never arrive, perhaps something else would instantly appear, blocking her from coming to watch and keeping her far away from the location.

But no, the doorbell just had to ring.

𝐷𝑜𝑝𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑛, 𝑂𝑥𝑦𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑛- 𝑅𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒Where stories live. Discover now