𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛- 𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙

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The day arrived slower than they had anticipated it would. It was what they had all been waiting for; the moment when long-lost allies would come strolling through the airport doors and into the wave of Indiana once more. The wait that had turned from months, into weeks, into days, had formed into a mere few minutes, and the want of seeing had become hot on a certain few tails. They had all arrived a few hours back, but much to the annoyance of Steve and the teens, a visit had yet to be pursued- which meant that as soon as the Family Video agenda went into shut down, operation Taxi Service was a go.

From what had recently been heard on the unofficial grapevine of Dustin Henderson, Mike had already gathered them all at the Wheeler's after convincing his mother to invite them round for a welcome-back tea- so there stood Dustin himself, Lucas, and Max- although the last wasn't necessarily standing- slap-bang in the middle of the storefront, giddy impatience running thin.

"So," Harrington started as Robin watched him flip the switches of all electrical sockets, "tell me again why you guys couldn't of just walked?"

"I'm in a wheelchair-"

"-very funny."

Max chuckled as Lucas took the conversation. She had become such a sucker for jokes that could very easily make the wrong person uncomfortable.

"We'd of normally gone on bikes, but we left them at Forest Hills when we picked up Max, since she can't use one anyway. Obviously, I live practically next-door to the Wheeler's, but the Byers' weren't there yet when I went past, so I took the chance to group with these two."

Dustin nodded in union and added to the answer.
"Even though Hawkins is small, it takes quite a while to treck on foot. Took about forty minutes to make our way over here with that thing." He gestured to Max's metal frame.

"Might I add, I did say that you could just go straight there on your bike-" Lucas reasoned with a calm smile, shrugging his shoulders along with it. "I'd of been fine picking her up by myself-"

"It's meant to be a grand reunion, Lucas, of course I was gonna wait for you."

Steve crossed his arms.
"So why couldn't you of just gone straight there instead of coming here?"

"Family Video is closer to the trailer park, and plus, it's excruciatingly hot. If you don't want us all dead, you'll be driving us." Dustin answered with his harsh-tone sarcasm.

"What if I do want you all dead?"

"Then whatever would you do without us, Steve?"

"Have better hearing?"


Buckley chuckled at the interactions, watching them closely to spot the moment where a quick-ended response sprung into their minds. She found that it was easier to read a person when she wasn't eye-to-eye and having to think of a response at the same time. It gave her chance to register their faces more; their movements, their attitudes. Spot the difference was such a fun game to play when it was with facial expressions.

By that point, it was clear that Steve had finished all of his routined jobs, so as the younger three continued quiet conversation between their frantic minds, Harrington took the chance to take a swift manoeuvre out of the area. Robin followed, taking small but paced steps towards the exit in hopes of calling shotgun before the others could.

They were correct- it was swelteringly hot, and Buckley made sure to give quiet gratitude towards Max and Lucas' efforts at lugging her the whole way there. Along with the pure arm power they had to contract, the metal was assumed to be menacingly hot, too. There wasn't a lot of plus sides to having that means of transportation in the summer.
The group had noticed that the elder two had made their leave, and very soon after, they all followed.

𝐷𝑜𝑝𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑛, 𝑂𝑥𝑦𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑛- 𝑅𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒Where stories live. Discover now