𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛- 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑢𝑝 𝑐𝑎𝑚𝑝

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It was the morning of; eleven a.m. Robin was in the kitchen enjoying the yet-again lack of parents. It was a regular occurrence for their work meetings to become more frequent and for them to be in the middle of God-knows-where on the daily. It was quite peaceful being alone.

If it wasn't for the constant crisis of having to earn her own money, she'd of been out of there by now. Anywhere but there; in a smaller town, in an abandoned estate, in an apartment which was just an adequate size to live in. Life would've been quiet, simple, easy... but it wasn't. It was Hawkins.
It was life.

One hour to go until the plan initiated. She was agitated in her stance against the counter, tapping her fingers on the hard surface in a rhythm to pass the time. It would've taken fifteen minutes to walk into town, so as the plan was set to quarter to, half past was the only reasonable time to be going on her way.

Silence consumed the kitchen, her thighs sticking slightly as she stood in her shorts. Since the fiasco at Scoops Ahoy, wearing anything of the sort was a rare occasion- seen as she had to wear them every day at one point in her existence by force, anyway. The constant chill in the air never made it pleasant, but during the current time, it was quite an acceptable thing.
Paired with the striped t-shirt she was sporting, it truly did remind her of her time there...and everything that happened during it.

She had half an hour to think things over- twenty five minutes, if you wanted the specifics. Robin liked the specifics. However, she didn't move or do much, just stood there waiting quietly until something happened.
Which soon enough, it did.

As Robin continued to stare into the thin of the air, a small commotion rustled outside of the front door. Then came a shadow, dancing on the hallway and mangling down the wallpaper. It was unusual to be expecting uninvited guests, so she didn't step up to make an effort... after all, it could've just been a delivery.

But as the moments ticked by, it was apparent that it wasn't.

Buckley stood straight, lifting herself from the lean on the sideboard. She stepped forward, right hand being the last to part from the counter. Her socks slipped slightly on the tiles, so she treaded carefully, navigating herself to the head of the corridor... and that's when she saw them; two silhouettes, one significantly shorter, facing each other behind the blurred glass of the door.

Robin allowed a soft smile to creep onto her face as she continued the walk, edging closer to their position. As she neared, a faint muffle of 'I'm not knocking- you knock' echoed through the border, revealing the nerve of getting the woman's attention.

Buckley stood there waiting for a moment, and without fail, the conversation continued like a tennis match until she took it into her own hands and swung the door open herself, exposing the two shocked faces of Dustin Henderson and Eddie Munson. The sound of debate immediately ceased.

"Boys." Robin spoke, acknowledging their presence.

They stared, and after a minuscule second of stunned silence, Eddie brushed down his hand on his jacket sides and tilted forward, displaying his invite for a shake. He was always showing some sort of corny charm when he spoke, like he was pretending to speak to royalty or a person of importance. Robin didn't feel like any of those things, but it didn't stop her from playing along on the odd occasion. Their hands met.

"Ms Buckley," he spoke, bowing slightly under her contact, "we have come to ask you of a slight favour, if you are willing to help us two, poor citizens."

The response came as a confused chuckle as she pocketed her hands into short-pockets.
"And what is this mentioned favour?"

"It's the start of our new campaign tonight, and I'm afraid that my brave adventurers cannot step forward into the unknown unless they have a base to leave from..."

Robin nodded slowly as she tried to wrap her head around what the hell was happening.

"... basically, what I'm saying," he continued, placing his hand over Dustin's shoulder with a sad nod, "is that we need to set up camp."

"That didn't give me any hint to what you're talking about." The woman in the doorway answered, leaning herself against the frame with crossed over legs.

Henderson looked up slightly, meeting eyes before he solved Munson's riddle for her.
"Basically, what Eddie here is saying, is that we need to go and set up at Steve's but he's not home."

"You set up this early? It's like- eleven something."

"-we also need somewhere to hang out until tonight, so, two in one deal, I guess."

Robin nodded, chewing on the inside of her cheek as her eyebrows scrunched.
"So, what you're saying is that you need to break into Steve's?"

"Pretty much."

"Isn't that illegal?" She joked, raising her eyebrows from the previous position they were in.

"Not if we have a key." Eddie pitched from beside the youngest, smirk morphing onto his features.

Knowing their exact want, the woman nodded, swinging herself from the doorway and moping down the hall in search of the needed item. She was the only other person who possessed a copy of the Harrington family keys, so it wasn't a completely uncommon occurrence for someone to be knocking for them. The thought of annoying Steve with the random surprise of people in his house after a long day always amused her.

Important things like keys and locks were always kept in the kitchen, hanging near the back door just to the side of the window- so that's where she headed; straight to the back of the house.
When arrival took place, as expected, there sat the required metal chunks.

Without debate, she reached for them, claiming them in her palm before turning to please the awaiting visitors.
As she walked, she spoke her goodbyes.

"Well, I hope you enjoy your setup." A smile showed as she tossed the keys. "I'll probably be around later to assess."

Eddie grinned with a nod as he pocketed the item, stepping down from the slightly raised concrete step.
"Kick off will be around seven, I'm assuming. Would be good to see you there."

"Seven. Got it."

And with a salute of departure, the two stepped down from their position and made their way back down the yard. They waltzed towards Munson's black and white van, opened the doors, and disappeared behind the glare of the windscreen.

The antics of the two were always unexpected, like a time bomb that went off randomly without a care in the world. It was fun to watch the way they worked together and to hear about what they got up to when they could. It had given her something to do to fill the time of the wait, but after heading back inside to glimpse at the hanging clock on the wall, Robin had realised that it was time to go.

𝐷𝑜𝑝𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑛, 𝑂𝑥𝑦𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑛- 𝑅𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒Where stories live. Discover now