Water Fountain

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It was now a month and a half since you had walked into this hell of a school.

And today was no different.

You enter your homeroom, sitting down behind Veronica, placing your books and various unorganized pieces of homework on your desk before turning your head to look out into the window.

The view outside reminded you of her.

The trees were bright and filled with crisp, green leaves.

The grass is thriving with flowers growing around the sidewalks.

And the sun is just beginning to shine down onto the plants below.

You softly sigh.

You begin to daydream about her.


God, you wanted her so bad.


You just can't have her.

You know she's probably straight and just views you as a good friend.

And it hurts to think about that.

But you just can't help it.

She has resurfaced in your mind day in and day out for the past month and a half.

And you just didn't know what to do about it.

And before you even realize it, homeroom is over upon hearing the sharp ringing of the school bell.

Your body jolts to stand up, quickly scooping up all your things.

And as soon as you've picked all of your books and various papers up, you begin to walk out into the rows of desks.

But you're stopped by a gentle hand on your shoulder.

You turn around to see Veronica, smiling at you.

Immediately your face heats up.

"Hey, Y/N.During lunch, meet me outside by the water fountain, okay?" she asks.

You nod, "Uh-huh.F-For sure.".

Then, you walk out of the class room, hurrying to your next bell.

The class goes by pretty quickly as you spend most of it daydreaming about Veronica and why she asked you to meet her at lunch.

God, she really has a hold on you, huh?

And soon, that class is over.

You rush to your locker, putting away all of your things before heading to lunch.

You skip the line to sneak out of the building as quietly as possible.

You push a set of double doors open and you begin to walk towards the fancy fountain she has asked you to meet her by.

It's located beside the school surrounded by benches and flowers.

You head towards it.

You smile upon seeing Veronica, leaning back against the edge of the fountain, waiting for you.

You speed up a little and soon, you reach her.

She turns her head to look at you, "Hey, Y/N!You came!".

You chuckle, "I wouldn't miss it for the world, Veronica.".

"So, what's up?" you ask.

She takes a breath as a light pink colour dusts her face.

She begins, "I...I understand if you don't feel the same.All I ask is that whatever I say by the fountain stays at the fountain...".

She continues, "I really think I like you...Like more than just a friend.I haven't known you for long but...I want you, Y/N.I want you more than I have ever wanted anything else in my life.Just please tell me you feel the same...please...".

You raise your eyebrows and your eyes widen in shock as each word she utters slips inside of your brain.

There is a small moment of silence, only filled by the chirps of the afternoon birds before you whisper, "Do you mean that?".

She nods, "I do.".

"I...I think I feel the same, Veronica.I can't get you off my mind.You've been in my head since the day I met you." you confess.

She breathes a sigh of relief.

Then, she suggests, "I'm so happy we feel the same and...I've never done anything like this with another girl before but...I think we could really take this somewhere.Like, we could be together?Like...girlfriends.Only if you want to, of course.".

You nod, "I would love to.".

She smiles, "So, let me ask you formally then...Will you be my girlfriend?".

You chuckle before responding, "Yes!Of course I will!".

"Wonderful..." she whispers.

You see her hand beginning to near yours, but just before she can hold your hand, you hear one of the Heathers walk into the small place you and Veronica were, "Veronica!Are you gonna eat with us or what?!".

Veronica sighs, "Yes, Heather!I'll be there in a sec." she lowers her voice, "Sorry, I gotta go, Y/N.Here take this and meet me there this weekend.".

She places a piece of paper in your hand before swiftly and gracefully walking towards Heather, reentering the cafeteria, leaving you standing by the water fountain, blushing.

You slowly open the piece of white paper she gave you.

There is an address written on it.

You can only assume it's Veronica's.

Just then, you decide to take her up on her offer.

You're gonna meet her there.


She's finally yours...

How in the hell did you get such luck?

Veronica Sawyer x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now