{~Chapter 6~}

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About an hour later they reach Wilson's lavatory thing. "Who wants to go first?" Allison asks. "Allison." Both Tom and Audrey voted. "Oh come on you didn't even give me a chance to vote💀" Allison pouted and went inside,followed by Audrey,then Tom.

The three then met Wilson inside. "Audrey..." Wilson says with wide eyes. (Or wide eye. Nyehehehhe lmao) "look on how far you've come..." Wilson mutters.

Audrey would nodd. "Here,come with me Audrey." Wilson demands, doing a 'follow me' motion with his hands. "It's okay, we'll be right here. Scream if anything happens and we'll be there." Allison says,with a warming smile. Audrey smiles back and follows Wilson.

"Are you finally ready to see what you're here for?" Wilson asks, Audrey and she nodds. "You're here to find my father." Wilson reassured.

Audrey nodded and the two walked to a painting. "You see... This painting will be the next rise of animation." Audrey was confused on why a painting would help them find his father but she didn't ask.

"The next way to defeat the ink demon." Wilson continued. "Can't we just turn the demon into small Bendy forever?" Audrey asked. "Oh Audrey... they're different beings trapped in the same body." Wilson answered her, Audrey's eyes widen.

"Wait...what?" Audrey mutters. "Look Audrey... you're not here to find my father. I lied." Wilson admitted. "Wait...then why am I here than?" Audrey's question made her feel stupid snd that the question was supposed to be obvious but she didn't know...why...

"You're here...to reset the cycle of course!" As he answered Audrey's eyes widen more. "W..What Cycle-" Audrey was interuped by Wilson grabbing her left arm.(one with the banish power)

Ass Audrey is trying to pull away Wilson grabs the other arm. "But...this ending for the cycle... won't be happy." Wilson said,as he starts pulling Audrey toward some grinding gears.

"HEY- LET GO-" Audrey yelled, trying to pull away. Minutes later of struggling Audrey's face comes to meet the grinding gears. As Audrey was pushing away she'd have an anxiety attacks left and right.

As Audrey was pushing back Wilson tripped and fell into the gears. Dying in the process, leaving Audrey staring in shock.

"WILSON?!" Audrey yelled,shocked. Audrey then looked around to see the ink machine. The Ink Machine would start growling as if it was producing Ink.

Audrey stared, wondering what was happening. As the Ink Machine was growling someone walked up to Audrey. "Hey uh I heard screamin-" Allison was interuped by Audrey screaming.

"YOU SCARED ME ALLISON -!" She yelled,her heart beating fastly. "Oh- uhm sorry" Allison rubbed her neck awkwardly.

"It's okay! Just uhm don't scare ne like that-" Audrey blushed, embarrassed. "Well uhm I may not be able to help but me and Tom decided we could try helping." Allison said bravely, putting her arm on Audrey's shoulder as Tom walked in the room.

"Oh thank you - but you don't have to-" Audrey was interuped by something coming out of the ink machine. "What in the..." Before Anyone could say anything else the Ink demon came out.

"Okay, we'll buy it time while you find the tape player and put the vhs saying 'The end' into it. No it won't hurt the baby Bendy. It'll septate and destroy the Ink Demon. NOW GO!" Allison demanded and Audrey ran, looking for the tape.

"I FOUND IT- NOW I NEED THE TAPE PLAYER!" Audrey yelled to Allison and Tom,the two nodding and going back to distracting the demon.

Audrey would find the tape player and put the tape inside. Then for a split second Tom, Allison and Audrey would see earth then get teleported to different places.

Audrey,who was teleported into a room with The Demon. Panicked. As the tape starts,Audrey gets thrown to the ground by the Demon.

Audrey would groan out of pain. Audrey put her hand on her face just to feel blood. "Damnit..." Then the Demon would approach her.

Then she would get up and run towards the tape player just to realize the tape isn't in all the way so she'd push the tape inside the tape player all the way.

As the Demon is dying,it grabs Audrey's legs and she trips. When Audrey is on the ground the Demon would try to grab her legs again hut instead accidentally pulls one of her legs off.

Audrey then,screamed. Making Tom and Allison find the room but they couldn't enter because it was blocked off. Then the demon finally dies...

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