~Comfort~ [Ratchet]

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A/N : before we start I just wanted to say that the series of this show was amazing and I loved it very much I decided to change this book into transformers prime

Description: Ratchet became more frustrated and anxious than ever when he was unable to repair the communication link with the autobots that were on a mission. Luckily, the others were at school, and a particular human was doing her own stuff until she knew how to calm him down.

Ratchet x Reader

"DAMN IT" Ratchet growled, slamming his fist on the table which scared Y/N and made her look over to the doctor, "Ratchet what's wrong?" "This stupid thing won't let me communicate with the others" he grumbled, trying to find out a way to communicate with the others

"Well is there a way to fix it then just slamming your fist on the table, that won't make it work you know" Y/N asked "I don't know, If Raf was here, he would already made it work by now" This made Y/N raise an eyebrow. Y/N then went over to where the doctor was and looked to see if something was wrong that made the doctor not communicate with the others

Y/N crouched and went under the table to find the wire was not plugged in properly, so she carefully reached over to plug the wire back in its place, once she did a voice came over the line "Ratchet can you hear me?" That voice was deep and sounded serious, "there we go, all done" Y/N smirked like she did something good

Ratchet sighed and replied to Optimus, you smiled and reached your hand out to rub his back making him flinched and look at you, the look on his face was saying 'what are you doing' "I'm calming you down" Y/N explained which made Ratchet relax 

"You know, you should not worry to much and you need to relax once a while since you've been doing so much for us, so I was thinking I should stay and make you relax" Y/N smiled looking at Ratchet like she was pleading him to say yes, Ratchet sighed in defeat and nodded

"Ratchet we need a ground bridge" Optimus interrupted, "Yes Optimus, I'm sending one now" Ratchet quickly went over to turn the lever, Y/N silently laughed forgetting Optimus was on the line, you definitely saw a tint of blush on his cheeks

You chuckled and went over to the couch and started to read your book that you were reading a while ago


So sorry if that was short but I hope yall enjoyed the first chapter with the beloved doctor

 Next chapter : Rain

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