~Attention~ [Smokescreen]

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A/N: Finally Finished my step up homework (English and Physical Education) Now time to do this chapter for yall

Description: You were minding your own business like reading your favorite book while your partner (Smokescreen) was bored and wanted all of your attention to him and he decided to gain your attention by trying something new which made you gain your attention him. 

Smokescreen (my bby) x Reader


"Y/NNN" Smokescreen whined as you still continued to read your book, "Wait Smokey I'm about  to read the best part of the book" You replied making Smokescreen pout, He tried for 20 minutes to get your attention but all of your attention was on that stupid book you've been reading for the past 40 minutes

"What is even so great about that book anyways~" Smokescreen whined even more, "Why can't you look at me for once, you've been reading that for ages", you sighed loudly trying not to laugh as smokescreen tried to get you attention, you got to admit it was pretty cute to see him trying to get his partners attention, he sounded like a little kid trying to get his mum's attention.

You return back from your thoughts and read trying to get to the best part of the book, You then felt presence behind you and you flinched as someone lifted your hoodie and started to drawing invisible shapes and words on your back, this made you shiver in tingles.

You turned to see Smokescreen behind you looking at your back focusing on drawing the words and shapes, you faintly giggled, he was trying to get your attention but you still needed to know what happens in the book so you return your eyes to the book and read where you were up to.

 After the past 5 minutes, you felt smokescreens hand travel more up your back, which made you arch your back a little since your back was sensitive, You shivered even more and still kept your attention to the book. Not even a minute later you started to feel hot breath on your neck

'what is he doi-' your thoughts got interrupted by smokescreen kissing your neck, this made you blush, "Smokey what are you doing.." you asked, "Finally" he spoke still kissing you neck, "Now give me attention" he grumbled and he laid his head on your shoulder, "Y/N?" he asked looking up at you only to see a very flushed Y/N that was about to pass out from hotness


A/N: Sorry if that was short anyways that's it I don't know what to say but i hoped you enjoyed this oneshot of my bby smokescreen 

Next chapter : Unknown

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