~Bullies~ [Bumblebee]

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A/N: I just wanted to do this (also a Horimiya reference)

I'm too lazy to do a description also Bee can talk in this oneshot

Bumblebee x Reader


"And there" you said, smiling at the work you just did to Bumblebee's hair into two short piggytails, "Woah" Acree blurred out not amused in the slightest bit, "Just the other day, he let me braid his hair too" You said

"You are one whip boy aren't ya" Bulkhead said, Bee sighed looking ashamed until a bunch of girls came right in front of him, "Oh wow" a girl voice could be hear and that made Bee look up, "Huh?" Bee then saw three girls in front of him, "Your Pigtails are straight up cute!", "I love your hair like that", "Yeah you should wear that every single day" the girls fangirled

"I bet Y/N did that for you", "It's adorable" This made you mad, Bulkhead seemed to notice your anger aura coming from you, he shivered looking over to you, that's when the bell went and the girls had to go "See you tomorrow" one of the girl waved as the others followed out of the classroom

When the girls left, you finally slapped Bumblebee at the back of his head making him flinch, "Hey you cant help his pretty!" Bulkhead yelped, "Come on dummy, we're leaving" you said, picking up his bag from the table, "Wait hold on Y/N" bee then followed after you


"Y/N..Can I please have my bag?" Bee asked following after you, "Are you mad at me?" this made you stop walking, "Cause of those girls, they got under your skin that much?" He asked, you wanted to say "I have every right to be mad! They all treated you if you were invisible before, but the second they heard you talk, they cant seem to keep away from you and shamelessly flirt with you right in front of me!" but instead you said

"I'm not bothered in the least" you said, walking ahead, "Are you sure" Bee asked, with a slightly worried face, walking right behind you, you both then walked pass two boys, they seemed to spot Bumblebee

"Bumblebee?" a voice called out making Bee stop and turn around, "It is you" he said making Bee freeze at the familiar faces, "Woah good eye, So Mr doom and gloom turn prep?" "haha that does seem to be the case" 

"So you doing alright these days?" they both walked up to Bee, "Yeah" Bee mumbled, "Dam you sure hit a growth spurt", "You don't look so bad yourself, _____" Bee said making the guy look disgusted, "Yeah don't say my name, hearing it from your mouth just disgusts me, It took you until high-school to grow a pear? Ha loser" that's until one of the boys spotted you

"Ha oh what's this?, you have some stupid person to carry your bag around?", "Hey show some respect that stupid person might be his partner", "You really scored if they are, 10 out of 10 with bone", "What's wrong cat got your tongue?" one of the boys asked

You suddenly spoke, "Are the two of you finished yet?", "Oh So they do speak, so are you his partner of not?!" he spoke louder, "Do you know what he was like back in middle school, Imagine the most silent person you've ever met, Just pathetic"

"Hey! I asked you a question you failed to answer, Are you finished?" you spoke, them sensing your anger coming, you made a fist, "If so, you assholes can piss off" You spoke in anger, Bee didn't even bother to turn around to see your raging face as you punched both of them multiple times making them yell


"Well I was in a pretty bad mood to begin with, so that was bad timing in their part, I mean they were treating you like crap, how else was I suppose to react?" You spoke still angry, "Right" Bee spoke softly, smiling a little knowing that you would do anything to make him feel safe and appreciated


Next chapter: Hair

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