~New kid~ [Bumblebee]

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A/N: Funfields wasn't that great or bad it was kind of meh, the voodoo line was huge and me and my friends for 40 mins to go on but it was worth it, but it pissed me off that the boys kept skipping in line because they couldn't wait but boy my friend wasn't having she basically made them move, she's such a badass, we only went on two rides and had some free food and we basically didn't go in the water which I'm sad about but it was kind of fun, saw some of my old primary school friends there... awkward..

Description: Bumblebee is the new kid, going to a new school not knowing anyone, rumors started to go about how bumblebee is mute and that made everyone hate him and started to bully him, one day he got pushed while walking in the hallway to his class, while with you everyone loved you because you popular, you were now walking backwards trying to talk to your friends since there was no room to walk forward until you bumped into someone, you turned and saw him...bumblebee

Bumblebee x Reader


"Move it Freak!" A random student said, pushing the poor boy to the lockers making him drop his books, Bumblebee looked ashamed on how he couldn't talk and fight himself so he just picked up his book and stood up and started to walk to class

Everyone hated Bee because of how he couldn't talk and everyone thought it was a good option to pick on him since he couldn't speak to fight back, this has been going for about four days now, Bee did tell a teacher on paper saying that he was being bullied, but the people said they weren't and that they were 'trying' to help him but he keeps fighting back 

Bee knew this was bad since he couldn't speak to tell the teachers or principle of what is going on, Basically everyone hated Bee...but this was about to change

With you, you were walking with your friends, well walking backwards of course because you couldn't be able to fit and walk forward with them so you decided to walk backwards, with Bee he was looking down walking straight where you were at 

No-one told you that someone was behind you and that made you bump into the stranger and made them fall down, "Ow" you yelped rubbing your head, you turned around to see a very cute guy sitting on the floor with papers and book all over the floor

"Oh I am so sorry" You apologized making him tilt his head a bit to the left, you handed your hand out to help him up, you smiled pulling him up

"Sorry about that I was looking where i was going" You rubbed your head, you saw him un zipping his bag and pulling out a book and a pen and started to write, you were confused on what was going on, until he turn the page around and revealed

'It's okay, I was also not looking, I'm bumblebee by the way' the page said making you smiled

"I'm Y/N" making him smiled as well


A/N: sorry if that was short 

Next chapter: He's gone

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