~Flirting~ [Knockout]

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Description: You and Knockout went out to get a coffee from the new cafe shop that recently just opened of where you lived so you decided to hang out with your partner, while on the date a random dude came up to you and started to flirt, that made knockout mad and he start to go off 

Knockout x Reader

You decided to go out on a date with knockout since the new cafe just opened near where you lived, you texted knockout if he was free which he was saying that he will be at your house in 5

'hey Knockout are you free by any chance?'

'Yeah I'm always free for you of course ;), why?'

This made you smiled and playfully roll your eyes and texted 

'Well there is a new cafe near my place and you don't live that far from where i am so I was thinking we could go there and have coffee and chat for a bit :)'

'Sure I'll be there in 5'

'okay see you soon <3'

You placed your phone and got your phone charge to charge your phone since it was on 12% (totally not me) you then got up and stretched making popping sounds, you sighed in satisfaction and went over to your draws to pick out some clothes to wear

After a few minutes of searching you finally found some clothes and quickly changed into then, after changing you went over to your bed and grabbed your shoes which was under the bed and put them on, you then put your hair in a simple ponytail and hear a honk which means knockout was already here

you unplugged your phone and went to the front door and locked it and ran to the car, "Heya doll you look gorgeous as ever" He complimented which made you smile brightly, 'not bad your self too knocky" you smiled and winked 


Time skip 


You and knockout finally arrived at the cafe, knockout got out and quickly went to your door and opened it which made you smile "Such a gentlemen" you said as you got out, you two then got inside the cafe and picked a table to sit

(i literally cant be bothered i just had my maths exam today)

"Hey yall what would you guys like?" The waiter said, holding a notepad to write down our orders, "Uhh.. i will take F/D please" you said, the waiter started to repeat the words and write them down, "and how about you sir?", "I'll take the mocha, thank you"

"Okay that will only take 5 minutes" The waiter said, the waiter then turned around and walked to the counter and went behind it

"So... I've been thinking we shou-" you were about to say something until a unexpected handsome guy came up to you and started to 'flirt' with you not noticing Knockout there

"Hey where you come from sweetie? I didn't see you sitting here I didn't mean you of course" 

"uhh...thank you?" you questioned

"Hello there I'm ______ so uh what do they call you?"

"ARE YOU GONNA PUNCH THEM IN THE NOSE Y/N?! OR DO YOU WANT ME TO?!" knockout seemed to be annoyed by someone hitting on his girl

"Y/N huh? that's a beautiful name, well then since fate has brought us together, Isn't it time to talk about our future?" 

"I'm not sure what future" you blushed only a little bit

"Oh you know, the part where you give up this ridiculous stuff your doing and run away with me?"

"HEY STOP HITTING ON HER OR I'LL START HITTING YOU" Knockout yelled making everyone and the guy look at him


A/N: if anyone knows the reference in here please tell me ;) it's an anime (i haven't seen it yet)

Next chapter: Attention

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