~Rain~ [Wheeljack]

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Description: You get caught in the rain by missing the bus from staying in for detention (that has happened to me once) You started to run to the bus stop to get shelter, once you get there you start violently shaking and started to get cold since you don't have a Hoodie, You then turned to see a man handing his Hoodie to you but you declined but that didn't stop him he put his hoodie on you and got a pen out and started to write his phone number on your arm and went on the bus 

WheelJack x Reader

'Damn it, Damn it, stupid Teacher making me stay in and making me miss the bus' You growled while running to the bus stop that you usually go, trying not to slip you finally made it not feeling the rain hitting your skin

you started to catch your breath, catching the attention to the person next to you that you didn't even know he was there you were to busy catching your breath and shaking violently from the rain and the wind making you hair go all over the place, you exhaled loudly

you then felt a soft fabric touching your arm making you turn to face a very handsome man, he was handing you his hoodie that was white, red and green like a car pattern, you politely declined his offer, he noticed you started shaking a lot more so he quickly put his hoodie over your head making you squeal a bit

"uh.. Thank you but.. what about you?" you asked the generous man which in return he smiled more like smirked "I'm gonna be okay It's just rain sunshine" that nickname made you blushed

While you were blushing over that nickname he started to go in his pocket and got out a pen out 'where in the heck did he get that from?' you thought, you quickly notice he was going write something but you didn't notice him reaching for your hand

You eyes widen when he pulled up the sleeve and wrote numbers on your arm, he touch was so warm and gentle, you looked at him for a split second and he notice you staring "you know it's not nice to stare at people" he then looked up from your arm to your eyes, His eye were bright blue that made you sink in but you noticed you were still staring at him

You looked away "um" "Say what's your name sunshine?" "Y/N" you replied, "Y/N, that a suited name for a lovely lady, oh Got to go that's my bus" He walked off "Wai-" you called out until he did a phone sign near his ear and mouthed "call me" and winked and went in the bus

you stood there until the bus drove off, you froze until you noticed...



A/N: I just wanted to say I bet WheelJack would actually do this and To be honest this has happened to me once, missing the bus by staying because of people talking in science anyways see you in the next chapter!" <3

Next chapter: Flirting

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