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Writing Prompt: They thought I'd forget. But I remembered. Everything.

(Guns and Roses AU)

'They thought I'd forget. But I remembered. Everything.' Rosie thought to herself,looking at Golden Freddy and the Puppet.

For some reason,the memory erasing power didn't work on her. Therefore,she had to pretend to not remember.

But,she didn't hold the fact against them. Sometimes good people have to do bad things for a good reason.

Rosie had to do her fair share of bad things,too. She's been there,done that.

Rosie drank a bit more of her Whiskey. She remembered fondly sharing it with her unlikely best friend,Toy Freddy.

She sighed. She would make the others remember,eventually. But for now,she was content. She had her horse back,and everything was good.

She didn't want to ruin everything again.

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