34 - Lost

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Yuri POV|| Yuri house idkvmcndfe

I opened the door to find a very irritated Natsuki. She almost jumped into my house without saying a word.

"Is there something wrong, babe?"

She gave me a disgusted look, "Don't fucking call me that."


We walked up the stairs in bone-crushing silence that stretched on and on until we reached a newly cold and brutal room. It was so familiar yet so distant.  

"Yuri... I- Well you know I  love you. But... I c-can't have you... Like, take all this and- Look, I've written a poem. I'll just show you what I mean," She said.

I saw her beautiful handwriting as if for the last time.


You paint me a clear blue lovely forever sky
Then you splash the paint in my eyes
I've been blinded
By your over-obsession
I love you to death but
I promise I've tried
And I've cried
And I've died
But mostly inside
She was a beautiful fool
The love I manipulated was cruel
I'm sorry for all the trouble I've cost
I promise you my mind's not lost
It's just not able to work.

Goodbye my dark black hating never sky
It was never real so what's the point of trying not to cry
I wish I never was so blind
With my 
I love you to death but
I can never even try
And all I can do is cry
And die
And not even inside
I can't call myself a beautiful fool
The summer of 22 was cruel
I'm sorry for all the pain I cost 
You promise you're not lost
This thing can't last.

I stared at the paper in disbelief. Not only is this not her normal style to write poems, is this a breakup note? I finally got the courage to look up, to find an indifferent Natsuki.

"I mean, I love you but it's...I need a break from all this. So consider this a breakup. Sorry," 

"But... Why?"

"Oh, I dunno. Read my poem. It's not you, it's me. Actually, it isn't even me. It's just what happened. I sure do hope you recover, otherwise, bye," Natsuki said as if she was rehearsing a speech.

"Oh... Bye... I thought you loved me,"

I saw that I struck a nerve as I heard Natsuki take a breath hitch, "H-Huh?"

"You heard me."

"It seems like you didn't fucking hear me."

"Well, I suppose this is all my fault. Everything always is."

"No, I mean this is... I'm sorry, I just need a break from all this stuff an-"


"Calm the fuck down, Yuri!"

"No I will not! And the school won't when they find out!"

"F-Find out what?"

I grinned.

Cliffhangers are nice.

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