31 - Mistake

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No new warning

There's a whole lotta new characters - tbh some of them are just added for comedic purposes but if you want me to make them more important characters then sure! Depends how well this chapter does lol.

Yua's POV||The girl's bathroom on the 3rd floor

The pain was immense. It burned with emotional and psychical pain everytime she hurt me. I knew from the self defense lessons Natsuki's dad taught me to pretend to be dead. Yuri was now putting on a brown wig and storming out quickly, I saw through my heavily squinted eyes. The fact that I loved her made it hard for me to process what just happened. I closed my eyes and wished, hoped, begged for this too be a dream. But I knew from everything that it was definitely real. I don't think I can tell anyone about this. But, Natsuki.

Natsuki has the biggest crush on Yuri, she needs to know about this. I mean, how'd Yuri even know that I liked her?! And why'd she think I like Natsuki? Maybe if I explain the whole misunderstanding, Yuri would like me and Natsuki would be a pawn. Or I could twist the story so that Yuri kills her! Yes, but I still wanna warn Natsuki. If I can't have Yuri, no one can. But I'm gonna sleep now, somebody has to find me in the morning.

-01001110 01100001 01110100 01110011 01110101 01101011 01101001- 

"Oh ma gawd! Look Sarahh!! Yua's DeAd! We've gotta tell Mr. Yarrowww!!" My REAL best friend (instead of dumb Natsuki of course) Natalie said. 

"Hugh! I-eugh...Amm..Alifff.." 

"AYO LEA KILLED THAT GIRL!" Screamed a voice I recognized as Andrew, one of da boyzz. 

"I didn't," Lea, another girl there, responded. She was friends with Natsuki, but always seemed off around me, "Let's tell Mr. Yarrow."

"What are you girls doing crowding here? What did you do this tiiiiiiii.....What the fuc-frick?!" A teacher, Mrs. Levine said.


"Lea Marley, do you realize what you've done to the poor girl?" She tutted, shook.

"I didn't! I swear!" She said.

"Yahh, we like, found her before Lea even cameee," Sarah (my other REAL best friend, but after Natalie) explained.

"Mhm! And like, how do we fix herr? Cussss she's like, not movingg." Natalie asked.

"I uh, girls, go back to class. I'll call uh really anyone who could do anything...Security, I guess." Mrs. Levine said.

"Yua, that was. God Natsuki needs to know," I overhead Leah say. I mean, at least she knows that I matter more than her to Natsuki. Even if Natsuki's worthless, my pride is important, ya know? 

"Hello Mrs. Levine, what ha-" A security guard said, "Oh god! We need to send her to the Hospital ASAP!"

"Alright, should I tell Mr. Yarrow?" Mrs. Levine asked.

"Yes, of course." The guard agreed.

After what felt like hours, but was probably about 20 minutes, people moved me from the floor onto a raised platform. People were shocked and I could feel eyes on me, yet the pain was so much that if I dared slightly open my eyes waves of agony would bite me. After yet another 20 minutes passed, the feeling stopped. And then somebody opened my mouth, and the pain struck again.

"Swallow hun." A soft voice said, as they dropped a liquid into my mouth. I tried to swallow and it did work. The pain was...muffled. It was still there, just calmed. Like when you stop talking and a crying child stops crying for a second, but you know they're gonna start again anytime soon. They put me in something that was really quiet, and somebody followed me in. I assumed it was the nurse from before.

Turns out...

It was...


About a second later, Sarah did too. Then there was a closing sound a conversation between them that I wasn't paying attention to. I decided to take a small nap, after all, a trip to the hospital might take forever.

Well, goodnight. 

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