Chapter 7&8

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Chapter 7

USA vs. China. Jacoby and Will were amazed on how physical the girls' games were. But more importantly they were excited to see Jordan play in it. Jacoby and Will both knew that the Fire House was watching all of the girls' ice hockey games because they were supporting one of the future paramedic. Everyone in Lake Wood thought Jordan was some type of hero but she didn't want to be all she wanted to do was be an average joe. It wasn't quite possible to be when she had reporters and fans wanting autographs. All she wanted to do was be a paramedic and have a life with her boyfriend. The drop of the puck happened and within minutes there was already a fight. During the second period USA was up 4-1 and Jordan was on a breakaway when all of a sudden a Chinese player hits in the back and Jordan goes into the post head first. Jordan isn't moving at all and this was very scary for Will and Jacoby because they couldn't handle her not being able to do a lot of things. They wanted her to play because more than likely she would never play in the Olympics again. As the trainers got out towards Jordan, they began to bring a stretcher on the ice and a backboard. All Jacoby and Will could think was oh shit this isn't good at all. Since Jacoby and Will got tickets right when you get off the ice Jordan saw them and said to the trainers," Can my boyfriend and uncle come back with me?" trainer looked up to Jacoby and Will's faces and saw the sadness on them so he said," Sure are they in any medical field." Jordan said," Well sorta of yes they are they are both paramedics." Trainer answered,"Alright," as they came down Jordan look to be OK they just needed to see what was wrong with her. So when they got to the hospital Jacoby and Will waited until the news came from her. The team had just shown up to the hospital to see what was wrong with her. Then Jordan came out of the doors and everyone was cheering. Jordan then said, "Listen, I have a slight fracture in my collarbone. The doctor said that I can't play until the medal rounds just to give it time to heal and he also thought why I went unconscious was that I had a seizure also. So guys I won't be staying at the Village tonight or tomorrow because they want me away from a lot of people so I will be staying with my boyfriend for a couple of days but I will come to every event I can with you guys. Sorry." Jacoby still looked sad but was happy it wasn't anything serious. After Will and Jacoby brought Jordan back to the hotel, they ordered room service. Jacoby and Will had gotten about 50 text messages from the Fire House crew and other people in Lake Wood plus they had gotten a bunch of Facebook messages from all of their friends. Will asked Jordan, "Jordan, why did you say I was your uncle at the game?" Jordan answered,"If I said you were a friend they wouldn't let you back with me." The team was fine with that arrangement they had with her. The next game was USA vs. Sweden and USA kicked Sweden's asses the score was 8-0. The girls had two more games into they get into the finials they will have to play Russia, one of their toughest team and the Finland team who was also tough but they had to do this without one of their strong defensemen. The team was worried but they came out strong to beat Finland 3-2. The next game was going to be hard for them against Russia. Before the game Coach Mark Johnson let Jordan come into the locker room to give a speech, "Great moments are born from great opportunity, and that's what you have here tonight, girls. That's what you've earned here tonight. One game; if we played them ten times, they might win nine. But not this game, not tonight. Tonight, we skate with them. Tonight we stay with them, and we shut them down because we can. Tonight, we are the greatest hockey team in the world. You were born to be hockey players - every one of you, and you were meant to be here tonight. This is your time. Their time is done. It's over. I'm sick and tired of hearing about what a great hockey team the Russians have. Screw 'em. This is your time. Now go out there and take it!" When she finished the team clapped for her and all they wanted to do was win and go to the medal round for Jordan to come back and play. So the girls did what they had promised to Jordan they ended up beating the Russians 4-3. Jordan was so happy and so was Jacoby and Will. After the game Jacoby took Jordan back to the hotel to get her things and brought her back to the Village. When they got her stuff out a person came to take them and put them in her room. Jacoby and Jordan kissed for a very long time and then it was time for Jordan to go before she left Jacoby stuck her pain killers in her sling and then went in for a kiss and left. Once she got into the USA house all of the athletes greeted her with joy on their faces and congratulating her on coming back. Once the party finished she went right back to her room that she shared with Sarah Fisher and when she got in the room Fish gave her a hug. Fish asked," What did you and your boyfriend do when you couldn't come in the village." Jordan responded, "Well first he is a paramedic so he made sure I took the proper medicine and made sure I was taken care of. We weren't able to have sex if that is what you are hinting at because the doctor told me that we weren't able to because a) I am pregnant and b) My collarbone was slightly broken." Fisher screamed," Does he know yet?? When are you going to tell him?" Jordan said," Well we were supposed to go out to dinner the night I got hurt but we couldn't so maybe tomorrow or even on Valentine's Day. I really don't want to tell him because I am almost done with school and then I start to go on shift. I can't be pregnant while saving people's lives." Fish added," Well true but it really isn't your decision it is really your chief's decision. What do you think Will is going to act?" Jordan said," Well that is sort of why I don't want to tell Jacoby because if I do then I will have to tell Will. Will, will kill Jacoby. But then again Will, will be happy for me. Yeah I guess your right about the chief but please don't tell anyone until after the Olympics are over." Fish said with a smile on her face,"Alright I won't."

Chapter 8

The medal round had come and USA was supposed to face China again. Jacoby was so nervous because he couldn't see Jordan get hurt like that again. But he didn't have to worried because the player was suspended for what she did for the rest of the Olympics. US won 6-1 and man was everyone happy for them. The Gold medal game would end up being against the Russians. Jacoby and Will were excited to see this game and afterwards Jacoby and Jordan were supposed to go out to eat. Well that had all changed right after USA had won the gold medal against Russia 4-1. Both teams had played great. When Jacoby went out on the Ice. Jordan said, "Babe can we go out to eat after we get pictures and I get undress." Jacoby answered with a smirk on his face," Sure babe anything for you. Hurry it up though because I have something to tell you." "OK"Jordan answered. Jacoby found Will and said," I think tonight is the night I am going to propose. What do you think? Is it too early?" Will answered," Well I think it is a little too early but it is really up to her and you. I think that is great. When are you going to tell her about Wesley?" "Will, I was hoping to tell her about it when we got there and how we should move in together. Then I will pop the question." Will said," It seems you have it all figure out." Jordan got out of the locker and saw Jacoby sitting there waiting. She said to him, "Should we go babe?" Jacoby said," Yes" Jacoby drove to this nice Italian restaurant. Jacoby got out and then so did Jordan, they went inside and got seated right away. Jordan said," Babe what did you want to talk about?" Jacoby answered, "Well here it goes. So I got word on the day you broke your collarbone that Wesley had gotten released from prison. When I heard this I was quite furious so I called around to see if was true and it was. I was wondering if you would like to move in with me but we would move somewhere closer to the Fire House." Jordan had replied," Yeah are you kidding I would fucking love too." Jacoby said," Just one more thing," he hesitated he got on one knee and pulled out his ring, "Jordan, Will you marry me?" Jordan answered, "Yes are you fucking kidding me!!!Yes!!!! I have something to tell you," Jordan looked like she was about to cry," Jacoby, I am pregn-" Jacoby had stopped her and said, "What are you joking or are you serious? When did you find out?" Jordan answered, "Jacolb, I am not joking I am pregnant and I found this out when I was at the hospital. They asked me if I was pregnant and I said I don't know. So they made me pee in a cup. The doctor came back and said you are pregnant. I didn't want to tell you in front of anyone I just wanted it to be during a special time." Jacoby was in shocked. He didn't know how to react to this. It was both scary and happy. All he could do was kiss her. After dinner, Jacoby drove her to the Village and he got out and kissed her and said, "I couldn't have chosen anyone better than you to marry." Jordan said, "Good bye! I love you! I will text you on Saturday when I land. Be safe on your shift you can tell Will everything see you in a couple of days." Jacoby answered back, "Be safe and have fun. Take care of our baby. I love you! I will tell Will about the baby." Jordan got to the USA living quarters. She reached her room and Fish wasn't in the room yet. Jordan than pulled out her iPhone sent a group message saying "Emergency!!!" Everyone rushed to the room she was staying in and they all saw she was fine but something was different. Jordan spoke, "Guys, I am pregnant and I just got engaged tonight. But don't post anything on Twitter or Facebook yet." They all screamed," OMG!!!!! Jacoby is such a lucky man." Jacoby and Will are finally back to work. Will knows everything from the engagement to the baby. Jacoby told Will not to tell anyone. That's what Will did and he fulfilled his promises.

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