Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Jacoby and Jordan had their hands full with Jacoby Drew. Now that Jordan was pregnant it was harder for her to have time with Jacoby besides going to work together. The bigger she got the harder it got to hide. One day they pulled the fire house crew aside and told them she was pregnant. It was great to get the truth out. Once it was out the word got around fast. The only people who didn't know she was pregnant was the U.S Olympic Team. She went to a practice and the team wonder why she wasn't practicing and she broke the news to them. Everyone was excited especially Delaney. Delaney said, "You just can't keep Jacoby out of your pants Jordan, you guys really like reproducing a lot." Jordan responded, with a smile on her face, " Shut up Delaney!! Yes, I really can't keep him out. Delaney we do like reproducing a lot." Everyone was laughing then she told the girls she better go home to get Jacoby Drew ready for the sitters house and wake up Jacoby for work. After she left she did what was plan and her and Jacoby went to work. Jordan was having pains in her back and she knew it was to early to go into labor. She didn't tell anyone about the pain she was having but Jacoby knew something was up and wanted to get to the bottom of it. Jacoby pulled her to the side and asked, "Jordan is the baby bothering you?" Jordan shook her head indicating she was okay."Jordan tell me the truth now!!!" Jacoby said demanding. Jordan look like she was about to break out in tears any minute she finally said, "YES!!! I have been having back pains all day and I can't go back to the hospital until it is time for the baby. Don't make me go back. You know how much I hate it unless I have to drop a patient off." Jacoby gave her look like you are crazy. Jacoby just stormed off and kept walking until Jordan couldn't see him anymore. Instead of Jacoby fighting with Jordan about it he went to the chiefs office and demanded, "Chief, please put Jordan on leave. I am afraid she is putting herself and my unborn child at risk. She is having back pains and she just wants to continue to work. Please can you help me?" Chief answered,"Jacoby, I really don't want to get in the middle of you and your wife fight but if you feel it is necessary for her to go on leave . I will do so but we really need her to go to the hospital with the pains. I need you to convince her in order for me to follow through with my part." Jacoby answered," Thank you so much chief!!! I need to go back to work." Jordan saw Jacoby come out of the hallway and he saw her and kept walking. She wonder how come he was so pist at her. She didn't know what she had said. Instead of thinking of the conversation she followed him until they got to the sleeping quarters. He turned around and looked at her. He thought how could I be so mad at her. Jacoby said,"Jordan I am sorry about the fight. I feel like you should go back to the doctors to check you out. I don't care how bad you hate going you are carrying our second child and when you aren't pregnant you don't have to go to the doctors. But when you are carrying our kid you will go to the doctors." "Jacoby, you don't know how hard it is for me to go to the doctors'. You don't know how much pain I go through just to get Jacoby Drew to the Doctors. You fucking don't know. You didn't lose both your parents in tragic deaths. You didn't have to wait at a hospital to hear if your parents were going to make it or if they didn't make it. You have no fucking idea." "Jordan, cool down. I understand that you hate the hospital but when your carrying our fucking baby you will go even if I have to bring you myself or the ambulance you will get there. Which ever you pick is fine but your going now!" Jordan shrug and got into the ambulance. Jacoby told chief and he said it was fine as long as she got there. Jacoby had one of the guys drive while he took care of her. She started to curse and hit him then she started to cry about going. All Jacoby could do was hug her and tell her everything is going to be okay. When they got there she had stop crying. They got her to the room and the doctors got her off the stretcher and on to the hospital bed. Jacoby just sat there until the doctor said, "Excuse me sir, it is time for you to fill out the paper work and leave the patient." Jacoby answered, "That patient is my wife and my partner is filling them out." "Well I am sorry but I am going to ask you one more time to leave before I call security." Jacoby looked at Jordan and she looked back and answered, "Doc it is okay he is my husband and the father of this child. I need him here with me. That would be great." The doctor looked at Jordan and nodded. He left, Jacoby looked at her and kissed her. Jordan said, "Babe can you call Will and his wife to see if they could watch Jacoby longer because I am at the hospital ." Jacoby looked at her and smiled, "Yeah babe anything for you. I will be right outside yell if you need me." "Okay Jacoby! Love you babe!" Jacoby called Will and told him what was going on and Will just said to have her get better and they will keep Jacoby for however long they need to. The Doctor came back to the room and ran more test. Jacoby and Jordan just wanted to know what is wrong. The Doctor came into the room and said,"You were having kidney stones. But the stones passed through and you are to take it easy." Jordan asked, "Can I go back to my job? I am a paramedic." The Doctor said,"Yes but you can't go back for ten hours because you are on medication that will make you loopy." Jordan said "Thank you! When can I go home?" The Doctor answered,"You can leave right now alright. Get better soon and Good luck with that baby!" Jordan and Jacoby left and went to get little Jacoby. When they got there Will had already left for work and his wife gave sleeping Jacoby Drew to Jacoby and Jordan took his things to the car as Jacoby buckled him into the seat. When they got home they put Jacoby Drew in his room and Jacoby and Jordan went to their room. Jacoby noticed that Jordan didn't look good. Jacoby also knew that she had been seizure free for two to three months now. It look as if a seizure was going to happen.

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