Chapter One

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        I stood beside my twin sister watching as she crouched down at the end of the cul-de-sac potting a barrel cactus in a little clay pot. Today was our last day in the ever so sunny Phoenix, Arizona. We were moving across the country to Forks, Washington to live with our father, Chief Charlie Swan. The reason for our move is so our mom, Renee, could travel with her younger husband, Phil for his minor league baseball career. 

        I cringed as Bella stood up and tripped. I caught her before she could face-plant the cement. I gripped her shoulders to keep her steady. Once she was fully on her own two feet again a phone was shoved in our faces. I look over to see mom with a panicked look on her features.

        "It won't work again babies." She said with a deep frown.

       I took the phone from her hands and realized she put it on hold. I quickly fixed her issue before handing her the cell phone back.

"You just put it on hold." I say.

"Look you even called Mexico." Bella joked causing me to laugh as mom gently pushed her. 

"You sure you two want to do this?" She asked her brows creasing with worry. 

"Yes mom." We replied for the millionth time. 

"If you girls ever wanna come home just give me a call." She sighed. "I'll drop everything to get you two." 

"We will." Bella and I say.

We turn our heads towards the station wagon as we heard a whistle. Phil was standing beside it with a small smile on his face.

"I love you all but we've got a plane to catch!" He called out. 

"Come on." Mom sighed taking our arms into hers leading us to the car. 

I climb in behind the drivers seat while Bella did the other side. I gently took Bella's hand into mine as we pulled out of the driveway. I have a good feeling about Forks.


Bella and I walk out the airport in search of our father. I grinned as I spotted him leaning against his cruiser wearing his uniform.

"Found him, Izzy." I grinned. "He must of just gotten off of work."

Bella let out a groan of embarassment when she spotted the cruiser.

"We'll really need to save up for a car." She mumbled as we made our way to him.

"Hey, dad." I smiled hugging him when we got to him.

"Anna." He sighed hugging me back before pulling Bella into a awkward side hug. "How's your mom?"

"Good." Bella mumbled. 

"She's pretty happy." I smiled lightly. 

Dad nodded picking up our few bags and loaded them in the trunk refusing to let us help. I slip into the front seat due to me being older. Bella reluctantly climbed into the back as dad climbed into the driver's seat. We set off for home. 


"Your hairs longer." Dad said to Bella and I as we stopped at a red light.

"I cut it since the last time I seen you." Bella mumbled.

"I gotten mine lightened up a bit." I smiled.

"Well I guess it grew out." He mumbled before throwing me a smile. "It looks beautiful."


We pulled into the yard outside the familiar three bedroom two story house. It was the same on the outside as it was when we were growing up. I climb out the front and opened the back door for Bella. She smiled in thanks before we headed to the trunk and each of us grabbed on of our bags. Dad took the others. He lead us up the path to the porch and inside. As we headed upstairs I looked at all the photos that lined the walls. Bella and I throughout the school years. 

My eyes landed on one that shocked me. It was of me in a man's arms that I have no idea who it was. I have to ask dad about that later. 

"I've cleared a few shelves in the bathroom for you girls." Dad says as we got to the top of the stairs.

"Right." Bella mumbled. "One bathroom."

I elbowed her in the ribs as dad walked into Bella's old room. I peek inside smiling at how he changed it just a bit. Instead of the crib there was a full sized bed with a rocking chair in the corner.

"I put Grandpa's old desk in here." He mumbled. "I'll let you unpack." 

Dad walked out the room leading me to the door on the right. He opened it and I gape at the room. 

"The bed and mirror where your grandmother Swan's." Dad smiled.

I gave him a big hug before rushing to the bed climbing onto the really soft mattress. 

"Thank you dad

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"Thank you dad." I smiled as he gave me one back.

"I'll leave you to unpack." He says gently.

"Hey, dad." I call out before he could fully leave. "Who's the man holding me in the picture on the wall by the stairs?"

Dad tensed a bit before sighing and walking over to my bed sitting down in front of me. 

"Sweetheart, please don't hate me for this." He says gently causing me to frown. "That man, is your father."

"What?" I asked shocked. 

"His name is Beaufort Swan." Dad says. "He's my older brother. Renee and I adopted you when you were born."

"Why?" I asked.

"Beau was in the army when your mother was pregnant with you." Dad says gently. "He had went awol. Your mother died giving birth to you so Renee and I decided to adopt you and raise you."

"Is my birthday different?" I asked.

"No, you were born on the same day as Bella except you were born twenty minutes before." Dad explained.

"Is he dead?" I asked.

"We all assume he is." Dad says. "We haven't seen him since."

"Oh, wow." I whispered looking at my hands.

Dad patted my leg before standing up and leaving the room. I glance up at the door that conjoins Bella and I's room and she stands there frozen. I felt tears fill my eyes as Bella rushed over hugging me tightly to her chest. 

The Life Of Anna Swan (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now