Chapter 2

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Bella and I pulled away as there was a honk outside. We both get up and look out the window to see an orange truck. Dad was talking to three people. One was a man in a wheel chair. Dad turned to my window and waves us down. I turned to Bella who shrugged and we headed out my room and downstairs. As we made it outside the man in the chair smiled at us.

"Bella, Anna you remember Billy Black and his son Jacob along with Paul Lahote?" Dad asked.

"Paulie!" I squealed jumping on my childhood best friend. 

He laughed hugging me tightly.

"Yeah." Bella lied. "You look good."

"Still dancin." Billy smiled. "Charlie hasn't shut up about the two of you since you told him you were moving down here." 

"Keep exaggerating and I'll roll you in the mud." Dad says.

We watched as they went into the street play fighting. Jacob walked up to us with a smile. 

"Hey, I'm Jacob we used to make mud pies together." He says to Bella.

"Yeah, I remember." Bella lied again. 

"Are they always like this?" I questioned.

"It's getting worse with old age." Jake says as he watched our fathers play fight.

Dad walked up to the orange truck patting it. 

"What do you think Bells?" Dad asked.

"What?" Bella questioned. 

"Your homecoming gift." Dad laughed. "That ones yours Ann."

I followed where dad was pointing and grinned seeing a beautiful blue jeep wrangler. 

I rushed over to the jeep climbing in

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I rushed over to the jeep climbing in. Paul climbs into the passenger seat handing me the keys. I start the jeep before rolling down the window.

"Thanks dad." I smiled. "I'm gonna take it for a test run." 

"Be safe." He smiled. 

I put the car into drive and pull out the grass. 

"So, Paulie where do you wanna go?" I asked. 

"Carver Cafe?" He asked with a smirk.

"Carver Cafe it is." I smiled back.


I woke up the next morning to the annoying sound of my alarm blaring. Sighing I climb out of bed yawning. Walking to my closet I pick out the perfect outfit. A white blouse tucked into my favorite red skater skirt, a pair of black tights and a lastly a pair of combat boots.

 A white blouse tucked into my favorite red skater skirt, a pair of black tights and a lastly a pair of combat boots

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I walk out of my room with my coat and bag. I made a stop in the bathroom where Bella was begrudgingly brushing her teeth. I took my tooth brush and toothpaste doing the same as her. Once finished we headed downstairs. Dad was sitting at the table reading the paper and drinking coffee.

"Morning, girls." Dad says.

"Morning." We say in sync.

I pressed a kiss to his temple as I plopped down in a chair. Bella was looking through the cabinets. 

"We'll go grocery shopping after school." Bella says.

"There's a money jar for groceries in the cabinet above the fridge." Dad says as he sets his paper on the table. "After that we can meet at the diner for dinner."

"Okay." Bella says as I nodded.

Dad got up kissing my forehead and giving Bella a smile.

"Have a good day at school you two." Dad says.

"Ha, yeah right." I laughed.

I turned to Bella as dad shut the door. 

"Do you want to head to school early?" I asked.

She nodded grabbing dad's parka since she couldn't find one she liked before we moved. I slipped on mine grabbing my bag and keys while Bella slipped the jar of money into her backpack. I raise a brow at her.

"So we don't have to back track." She shrugged.

I nodded as we headed out the door. I climb into my Jeep as she climbed into her truck. 


Bella and I pull into two empty parking spaces side by side. I cringe for her as her truck backfired. Putting the jeep in park I shut it off climbing out while grabbing my bag. I meet Bella at the front of our cars. Looping my arm through hers I lead her towards the school. 

"Nice ride." A dark skinned boy smirked.

I slowly turn my head giving him a menecing glare. 

"Say one more comment about the truck, I'll fucking punch you." I hissed. 

Smirking as he gulped backing away. Bella tugged me along to the school. We compare our schedules and sadly we only have biology and lunch together. 

"You two must be the new girls." A boy with greasy hair smirked as he walked up to us. "I'm Eric the eyes and ears of this place. I can be a lunch date, a shoulder to cry on." 

"And I can punch you in the face if you don't remove your arm from us." I growled before turning to Bella. "I'm heading to Art." 

Turning on my heel I walk in the direction the map says. Since I was only looking at the map I wasn't watching where I was going and ran into what felt like a wall. I fell backwards and braced myself for impact. Arms wrapped around my waist keeping me up. Opening my eyes I saw the most handsome boy ever. He had chin length honey blonde hair, beautiful golden eyes and was pale. 

"You okay, ma'am." He asked in a southern drawl. 

"Yeah." I whispered. "I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going and ran into you."

"Your fine, you're one of the Swan twins." He says.

"Technically no." I shrugged. "I'm Annabella Swan but you can call me Anna." 

"Jasper Hale at your service ma'am." He smirked. "What's your first class, doll?" 

I blushed at the nickname as I replied, "Art." 

"That's where we were headin'." He says that's when I noticed a pixie like girl standing there with a bright smile.

"Hi." She cheered. "I'm Alice, Jasper's adoptive sister." 

"Hi." I smiled at her. 

"Come on!" She grinned grabbing my hand in her oddly cold one pulling me through the halls. 

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