Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning to Bella barging in my room. I sat up tiredly rubbing my eyes. She climbed into bed beside me. I glance at the clock and see its four in the morning.

"Bella, I love you, honestly." I sighed. "But why the hell are you in my room at four in the morning."

"I know what the Cullen's are." She says quietly. "They're vampires." 

I quickly sat up looking at her with wide eyes. Jasper was suddenly sitting behind me which in turn caused Bella to let out a scream so I slapped my hand over her mouth muffling it. 

"Will you shut up?" I hissed. "I really don't want dad to find a boy in my room."

I slowly released her face from my grip. She took a slight breath nodding with a blush on her cheeks.

"I'll pick you up for school, darlin." Jasper says while pressing a kiss to my cheek. 

"Okay." I smiled as he disappeared. "You've got to keep this a secret."

She nodded as I climbed out of the bed and started getting dressed. Since I'm up I might as well get ready for school. 

"Where'd the Led Zepplin shirt come from?" Bella asked as I put my hair into messy space buns with hair framing my face

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"Where'd the Led Zepplin shirt come from?" Bella asked as I put my hair into messy space buns with hair framing my face. 

"I think it was dad's to be honest." I shrugged. "Found it in a box when I was searching the attic for more information about Beau Swan."

"Any luck?" Bella asked. 

"Nope." I say popping the 'P'.

"I can't believe dad used to listen to Led Zepplin." Bella says.

I held up a finger going to my dresser grabbing the photo I found handing it to her. She gaped at the photo. It was of dad and mum. Dad wore the shirt I had on, leather jacket, and bandana while mom wore a led zepplin shirt, bell bottoms and leather jacket.

"I love mom's outfit." Bella grinned.

"That's a good thing I grabbed hers." I smirked as I handed her the exact outfit from the picture.

Bella rushed to her room to get dressed. I grabbed the bandana that was in the attic and put it on. I tied it in the front on top of my head. Smiling at myself in the mirror I walked to Bella's room. She came out after a minute and I grinned at her before we headed downstairs. 

"Hey, dad." I say to him as he read the paper drinking coffee.

"You girls are up early." Dad says before freezing dropping the paper. "Where'd you find your mom and I's old outfits?"

"Attic." I shrugged. "I was looking for stuff on Beaufort Swan like you said I could and found it."

"Let me take a picture of the two of you." Dad smirked grabbing my camera I had left on the table.

Bella and I groaned but stood side by side smiling. I blink being blinded by the flash.


I stood with Jasper watching as Bella and Edward walk into the woods behind the school. I turn to Jasper smirking.

"Wanna skip?" I asked.

"Sure, doll." He chuckled. 

I gave a smile to the rest of the Cullen's before climbing in the passenger seat of my jeep as Jazz climbed in.


We pulled up outside a beautiful mansion. I look up at it with my jaw dropped causing Jasper to chuckle. He was out and at my door in mere seconds. I grinned while taking his outstretched hand. I let out a squeal as I was thrown on his back and running. I bury my face in his neck until he set me down. 

I look around the room seeing a bunch of books and a bed. 

"I thought you guys didn't sleep

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"I thought you guys didn't sleep." I say referring to the bed.

"I like to relax." Jasper shrugged jumping on the bed. 

I jumped on top of him giggling. I leaned down pressing my lips to his. Jasper quickly flips me over laying on top pressing his lips to mine. We pulled away suddenly causing me to frown.

"Jasper?" A feminine voice called out.

Jasper smiled taking my hand into his pulling me with him downstairs to the second floor. A woman with caramel hair and a heart shaped face was sat at the kitchen island sketching. She looked up and smiled brightly.

"You must be, Annabella." She says. "I'm Esme."

"It's just Anna." I smiled. 


I woke up the next day with a smile on my face. I didn't have to lie to Bella anymore which is a big relief. I get dressed in a black skater dress, nude color thermal tights, a pair of black combat boots and my leather jacket. I faintly heard a honk so I walk over ot my window and look down at the driveway. Jasper was smirking up at me with a pair of aviators on sitting sideways on a motorcycle. Edward was leaning against the car smirking towards Bella's window. I grinned leaving my room and rushing downstairs and out the door.

I ran into Jasper's arms giggling as he spun me around before pecking his lips. He set me down before handing me a helmet. I grinned putting it on excitedly. Bella blushed as Edward kissed her cheek. I blew Bella a kiss after I climbed on the motorcycle behind Jasper who revved the engine. 

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