Part 2 - I'm not your friend

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The Revenge was headed for Crewman's Cove. They were quite close in fact. They had been traveling for about a week while making sure to burn down every other ship they spotted in the meantime. They could've gotten there sooner but the Captain insisted.

"We're almost to the cove Captain, should we start preparing weapons?" Izzy asked.  Ed was distracted by something. He was staring out the window at the open ocean, wondering why his Stede left him.

"Oh, uhm aye." He finally responded.

"Stop being so fucking pathetic Captain, he left, he's not coming back, stop fuckin sulking." Izzy said, leaving before he got a knife to the throat.

Ed got up from the window seat and put his normal leathers on. Leather was rather hot to be dressed with all the time, but it helped during attack.

"He's not coming back....." he started to trail off. After abandoning most of the crew, he started acting super tough again. He would still spend every night wishing he had Stede again though.

After getting his black face makeup on, and all his weaponry and accessories, he exited the Captain's quarters.

He walked to the cellar. He stared down Jim.

"Wanna let off some steam? We'll be getting to Crewman's Cove soon to take down a few Navy ships. However," he grabbed Jim's collar, "try anything, and I won't hesitate to kill you."

Jim grunted in response before speaking. "Fuck it, sure. Are you ever gonna let me sleep in a goddamn bed?"

"Depends if you behave." He jingled the keys before letting them out of the cell.

"Weapons are all on deck, gear up." He said while pushing them out. Jim nodded. He looked to see how close they were. They were approaching the Cove already.

"Keep your guard up everyone, it's about to get bloody." He said to the crew rather quiet, but so they could still hear. He smirked.

There were only two ships. There was fog surrounding the Cove. They looped around and snuck up behind on of the ships. They realized how risky it would be to just do one at a time so they attacked both. Frenchie and Ivan stayed on the ship to fire canons.

Blackbeard took Izzy onto one ship and Jim and Fang hopped across to the other one. They had a relatively small crew now but that didn't mean they didn't kick ass.

Jim went behind a man and slit his throat while Fang shot a few. One in the shoulder and the other in between his ribs, killing him instantly. Jim finished off the guy with the shoulder injury and just kept attacking.

Izzy stabbed a few guys dead with his Cutlass. Ed ended up fist-fighting a few gents. After a while he took out his pistol to land a few quick kills.

When they ran out of canon balls, Frenchie and Ivan grabbed a gun and a knife and joined the fun. Frenchie wasn't too skilled at this part. He just attacked anyone who came too close, could've been his own crew to be honest.

There only seemed to be about 10 men per ship, which wasn't that many for a Navy ship. Frenchie was surprisingly clean by the end of the fight. Blackbeard's knuckles were bleeding, Jim had a few face nicks, Ivan and Fang were a little beat up but not too bad. Izzy was untouched, somehow.

The ship that Blackbeard was on only had one person left, the Captain. Jim had already killed the Captain on the other ship. Blackbeard had Izzy tie up the last man standing to the mast at the head of the ship. They already started to loot the other ship but by the time they started on the other one the Captain started talking.

"Y'know, you look oddly familiar, do I know you?" He said to the pirate with the black face paint. Ed just looked up at him and chuckled.

"That would make sense considering I'm fucking Blackbeard."

"Where's the fucking beard?"

"Shaved it off? Hell else would I have done? Now shut up before I cut off your tongue." He started to resume looting.

"The hell did he do to you?" The Captain started speaking again.

"What?" Ed looked up at him.

"That disgusting royal pain in the ass, the Gentleman Pirate, at least the bugger finally got himself killed."

Ed jolted forward and held him at knife-point.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He growled.

"Ohh I see, so it was you that got the job done. Well done, it couldn't have been that hard." The Captain smirked at him.

"How long?"


"How long has he been dead?"

"Was reported officially dead with a body about eh....less than two weeks ago? Wait, so it wasn't you?"

"He's not."


"Stede isn't dead."

"My friend, I can assure you he most certainly is."

"I'm not your friend." he said before slitting his throat, getting the blood all over himself. He sank down to the deck, against the mast.

Frenchie noticed Ed in his position and went over to check on him.

"You alright there Cap'n?" He asked with a box of loot in hand.

"It can't be true. I won't believe it."

"What Captain?"

"Stede can't be dead, he- he can't-" he was on the brink of tears. Frenchie set down the box and let out a loud sigh.

"Who the hell told you?" He asked, suddenly seeming anxious.

"The fucking Captain here," he pointed to the man he just killed, "wait, you knew?" He couldn't hold back anymore, he was crying. He spent the last few weeks pretending that he hated Stede but he knew if he came back he would let him back immediately and never let him go.

"Don't cry Captain, that's why we didn't tell you.." he tried to be empathetic.

"How did you guys even find out?"

"A few people on one of the merchant ships mentioned it when they realized we were on the Revenge. That was about a week ago, sorry."

"That's alright, thanks for the consideration." He said while rubbing off the hot tears. He resumed looting and loaded all the stuff onto the ship. They decided to stay at the Cove for a few days to rest up and see if they could figure out how to cook with the food they found on the Navy ships.

That night, Ed cried harder then he ever had.

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