Chapter 1

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Location: Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy. 

I sat in class, watching the clock intently. I managed to tune out the teacher talking on and on about whatever we were learning about. I'm not usually like this, though. I consider myself to be a great student, always listening and trying my best. However, I was really excited for this afternoon!

As usual, me and the others would meet at the schools rooftop for practice, but, this morning Haruka suggested us four should go out for boba after! Could you believe it? Someone as amazing and talented as Haruka wants to go out with someone like me! Plus Airi and Shizuku of course..! These last few weeks have been so much fun, hanging out with them endlessly. We even had a sleepover last weekend! We practiced our dances all night long. 

As soon as I heard the loud sound of the bell, indicating school was finished for the day, I packed up my belongings and ran up the stairs, nearly tripping myself. 

"Haruka! Airi! Hiii!" I exclaimed in an almost yelling tone. 

"Hello Minori, you seem excited." Haruka said, laughing slightly. 

"What's with the loud, overbearing tone?" Airi mentioned, giving a funny look towards the brown haired girl before them. 

"Ehe.. sorry! I'm just happy that we're going to go out again." I answered the both of them. 

"We go out almost every week." Airi said with a slightly annoyed expression.

"It still feels special though!" I exclaimed 

Haruka just laughed at the two. Then she starting talking;

"Hey, Airi, have you seen Shizuku? Usually she'd be here by now.." 

"She said she was going to the sekai for a bit, she left something there." Airi told her. 

"Alright then, I guess we'll start without her for now." Haruka said.

I nodded my head in response to Haruka. Airi did the same. We got up and went to our usual spot. Something didn't feel right though. I have a weird feeling in my stomach. Could I be sick? But I was fine before.. I guess I'll just see how I am later, I wouldn't want to tell Haruka and Airi just for them to tell me to go home. I don't want to miss hanging out with them!

30 minutes later. 

"Guys, I'm starting to get worried.." Airi said with slight fear in her tone. "Shizuku should've been here by now, it doesn't take that long to go in and out of the sekai." She followed on. 

"She might be having a hard time finding whatever she was looking for." Haruka said, trying to be rational.

"B-but Haruka.. this isn't like Shizuku! Could we at least check on her?" I said.

I could see Haruka thinking for a moment. She's always thinking rationally, never assuming something bad might've actually happened. 

"Alright then, let's go to the sekai." Haruka finally responded.

Me and Airi looked at each other with worry in our eyes. We all pulled out our phones and clicked the "untitled" song. We all watched as the green shards appeared. We shielded our eyes knowing that the bright light would soon blind us. And then, we teleported to.. our sekai?

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"Haruka?! Airi?!" I yelled, not knowing where they had disappeared to. 

I started to freak out. This wasn't our sekai. What.. what was this? 

It felt like I was in a video that had lots of bugs and glitches. My eyes were having a hard time adjusting to the bright colors of the glitch effects. I ran, hoping to find at least some kind of life form in this sekai. That's when I heard it. The loud screams of both Haruka and Airi. 

"Haruka?!" Airi?! Answer me please!" I said as tears formed in my eyes. 

I could hear the loud cries of Airi, she was yelling however I couldn't make out what she was saying. I followed her voice, running and hoping I was going in the right direction.

"Haruka! Airi! S...shi..Shizuku" I could barely mumble that name. 

"S-Shizuku.." I repeated again, trying to process what I was looking at. 

Airi was on the floor, shaking and sobbing. Haruka was frozen. There were tears coming from her eyes and I don't even think she noticed. I didn't even notice that I had started crying.

I looked down at the floor, once more, taking in what was happening. 

There she was. Shizuku. Her white outfit, stained from the crimson red pouring out of her. Her lifeless body didn't even move while the distraught, Airi shook her. 

"Wake up Shizuku! Please.. I need you. Please wake up for me, for all of us... Shizuku.." Airi said, bawling her eyes out, hugging the teal haired tightly, not caring that her dress and hands was being stained with the bright red fluid. 



Oh my god I finally wrote this chapter... I feel really horrible killing of Shizuku first but it had to be done, sorry Airi. Sorry if this feels rushed- I really wanted to start this story off with a bang >:) Also if you see any grammar/spelling mistakes please lmk!

Word count: 842 words with A/N

Danganronpa: End of Hopes Peak Academy (Project sekai x Danganronpa AU)Where stories live. Discover now