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LAURIE woke up a bit earlier than usual, since she'd stay up on the phone with Connor so late last night, she was feeling a bit tired, but still, she set the timer on her phone, plugged in some music, and went on her morning run. After running a while, she realized that she'd been running past her finishing point and was going to be late for the barbeque at Connor's, so she quickly ran back, hopped in the shower, and got ready.
All that was left was picking out an outfit which Laurie didn't have too much trouble with. Usually. But that morning, Laurie's heart was racing a little faster, she'd always been a bit insecure about her looks but that morning she cared a little extra. She'd promised herself never to let a boy or girl make her care about how she looked or never to let a boy or girl to make her try to impress them... but for some odd reason, a certain Warrior's player, was on her mind.
She'd only been really talking to him for a week or so, but it felt like the two had known each other all their lives, which they pretty much had due to all their school years together, but it more so felt like they'd been friends forever. And that was rare for Laurie to feel so comfortable around someone.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late I went on a run and lost track of time!" Laurie greeted the team who were sitting at the dining room table chatting with Sean about football.
"Hey Laur!" They all greeted.
"We were just talking about how we suck! The team sucks and we hope that Sean, here can help coach too so maybe we might actually get a touchdown!" Paulie informed Laurie who chuckled.
"Yeah we sucked big time before but whenever Laurie has been at the games, we get firstdowns and stuff!" Brain cheered. Laurie laughed at the term "and stuff".
"Well, my sports are wrapping up so I'm excited to see more games!" Laurie smiled.
"So, I hear you're somewhat of a football star?" Sean asked Laurie.
"No, I wouldn't say football star at all. I do love it though." Laurie said politely.
"Well, that's not what I've heard." Sean smiled. "Ever thought about playing for the Warriors?" He asked.
"You should!" The team agreed.
"With you, we could actually win!"
"Yeah, yeah! You're awesome running drills!"
"I appreciate that, but as much as a feminist I am, I'm sure there's some weird rule about girls playing on an all-boys team." Lauire spoke.
"Look into it, I've seen some of your old sports clips and tapes. You have potential at a lot." Sean stated making Laurie smile.