Introductions pt1

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      I am Aelorya Zyana pronounced Ah-lore-luh. I am the keeper of the sun, born from Queen Deana and King Aemion rulers of the fae lands, Ixcatec. I am heir to the throne and thee bravest warrior we have.

      I, Aelorya 17, am the keeper of the sun
Hair as dark as midnight, and eyes as bright as stars, fair tanned skin I got from my father. I stand around 5'4 with fair tan skin but still hold my head higher than anyone else. My wings are black and gold, the strongest of the family.
      Abilities are cosmic healing, telekinesis, illusions, and chaos magic.

      Jearionn Zyana (Jay-Ri-On) 17, is keeper of the moon
Long braided hair lighter than the snow he got from mother, and eyes as dark and blue as the sea. Standing at 6'7 with very tan skin and a good warrior. His wings are gold and white, the fastest of the family.
      Abilities are super strength, weather manipulation, power bestowal, and energy manipulation.

      Kae Zyana 16, is keeper of the sea
Short scruffy hair dark gray like black onyx and eyes with matching color, he's about 6'4 with tanned skin and is training to be a keeper of scrolls. His wings are gold and dark gray, the largest of the family
      Abilities are water manipulation, conjugation, body transfiguration, and telepathy with water creatures.

      Visaemon Zyana (Vis-Ay-Mon) 14, is keeper of dreams
He and Vaegon are identical twins, with long luscious Hair except Visaemon has Hair the color of Jaerionn and Vaegon has mine, they are both standing at 6'0 with very tan skin.
      Visaemon is in training to be a flying teacher for future warriors, and Vaegon is training to be a researcher.

      Vaegon Zyana (Vay-Gone) 14, is keeper of time
Visaemons wings are gold and white with blue highlights, the most fluid of the family.
Veagons wings are gold and black with blue highlights, the most decorated wings of the family.
      Veagons Abilities are time travel, stopping time, body regeneration, and invisibility.

      Visaemons abilities Dream walking, lullaby (singing others to a deep sleep), light manipulation, and shadow manipulation

      Auraea Zynana (Or-e-uh) 10, is keeper of spirits.
She has long golden hair and eyes to match, she's about 4'6 and her future is undecided currently. Her wings are pure gold and the most beautiful
      Abilities are summoning spirits, regeneration after death, mind control, and force field generation

      And my parents, Noone could forget them and their beauty.
      My mother Deana Zyana 36, keeper of the earth.
With long dark hair to match her toned skin and eyes as bright as the sea, her wings are gold and black just like mine.
      Her abilities are mind control, lullaby, conjuction, and cosmic healing

      My father Aemion Zyana 39, keeper of the sky.
Long white hair and pale skin, with dark pitch eyes, his wings are white and gold just like Jearionn.
      His abilities are regeneration after death, shadow manipulation, power bestowal, and illusions.

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