The Weekend

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      I wake up at 8am to my still bare room, white walls, a small bed and bags everywhere. I don't really want to get up but I have to, I have a bed frame to get and have to go through my clothes for school and work appropriate outfits.
      I sit myself on the floor and start going box to box trying to find something humans would wear on there day to day life.
      I've come up with nothing so far but hopefully I can find something before school on monday, but if I don't I'll have to find something less dramatic in my closet.

      I can hear Les working on my mothers old car in the garage, she found something called a "boom box" it plays wonderfully loud music, im surprised she has it this loud considering her gift.
      I don't want to bother her, she seems to be in the zone while she works. I'm still going through boxes of clothes and desperately trying to find some sort of outfit that is appropriate to wear, still unsuccessful sadly.

      Finally I come across my dresses, sorting through them I realize that I most likely will have to wear a dress for my first day at school and work. I have 2 dresses in mind for those seperate days, 1 a knee high white dress and 2 a black  dress with a matching cardigan.

      I put on a different short dress and finally head downstairs to Les, she's been working on my moms old car for a couple hours now I wonder if she's almost done

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      I put on a different short dress and finally head downstairs to Les, she's been working on my moms old car for a couple hours now I wonder if she's almost done. As imhead towards the basement I call out

"Les I'm coming in to check on you!" Loud enough for her to hear but not too loud as to burst her eardrums.

      "Okay let me turn down the music" I'm surprised she actually enjoys such loud noise.

"I'm just wondering how the car is coming along since you worked on it yesterday and now today" I really need the car by friday to get my bed frame, I don't wanna have to drag it all the way home by myself or fly and risk getting caught
      "She should be ready by tonight if I keep up the pace I'm working at, maybe 7?" I am so happy that I'll be able to drive my mothe's beautiful car, it is clear how much work my mother put into the design of the car when she first got it.
      I go back upstairs and leave Les to her own paradise in the garage, I should start on the kitchen organization and living room too.
      I start with the kitchen it's simple enough, putting away boxes of food and organizing dishware also figuring out this thing called a dishwasher. I decorate the kitchen some English Ivy along the walls, Succulents, Aloe, Vervain, Sumdew, and Venus Flytraps.

      I move onto the living room, grabbing some of the furniture from the garage and placing it until I like the setup, which isn't going so well

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      I move onto the living room, grabbing some of the furniture from the garage and placing it until I like the setup, which isn't going so well. We have a rocking chair, a couch, and a curved couch.

I finally find a way to set up the living room so that it's comfortable and we can see the bigger device on the wall

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I finally find a way to set up the living room so that it's comfortable and we can see the bigger device on the wall. I wonder how les is doing, as much as I want to know what's going on I don't want to ruin her work flo, The living room and kitchen are done and it's only 3pm.
      I still need to stock up the bathrooms and vacuum literally everywhere, going on a little shopping trip for our toiletries, shampoo+conditioner, and body wash.

      I already told Les that I am going to get our nessesities and she told me not to spend all our money, now I'm just wondering if I should walk or take my horse. I decided on the horse it'll be easier to handle stuff and faster too, plus I have to get quite a few things for us.
      I come across a CVS store (whatever it means), it seems to have a lot of things I would need as I look into he windows. I tie up Thorn and head inside the store grabbing a basket and walking around to find what Les and I need.

      I finally see the isle I'm looking for, I wonder what shampoo+conditioner Les would want coconut or rose..... I'll get both and let her get first pick, I grab chapsticks, face washes, And body washes scents matching the shampoos and conditioners.
      As I walk down more isles I come across pads and tampons, what are these for..? I read the back and have the apiphany that they are for your bleeding week known as "The holy week" in Ixcatec or as humans call them, periods.
      We fae consider the bleeding week to be sacred to us, it means a girl turns into a woman and is perfectly fertile and fine to marry, kind of sounds wierd saying it in the human world.

      I take a pack of pads and tampons for us and head to the counter to pay, the payment is awkward. It's a teenage boy ringing me up and obvious that he is uncomfortable even looking at the pads and tampons, it is a strange sight to see.
      In Ixcatec the male fae worship the female fae for their bleeding week, it's deemed good luck and an honor to worship and work for your partner during the week.

      I walk out of the store surprisingly only having spent around $30, I put the bags into my horses satchel and ride off back home.
      On my way I see three teenagers, younger than me definitely, ones short and round with plain brown hair and a vest  another is a girl slim with a blue streak in her hair, and the last the tallest of them with dark hair and a blue sweater on.
      I'll definitely have to keep an eye on them, with how "strange" My mother claims this town is.

      I get home and quickly start on setting up our seperate bathrooms, Les decided on the coconut scented stuff so I got the rose scents. As I set up my bathroom I realize it's missing something, some sort of flare it needs plants. I put succulents, Cacti, Eucalyptus in my shower, and bamboo.

      With that, it's already 830pm and I have work in at 10am, and I've decided to wear the black dress to work

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      With that, it's already 830pm and I have work in at 10am, and I've decided to wear the black dress to work. It's simple, easy and chic. I change into a nightgown, brush my hair out and fall asleep, I'm just happy Les went to bed instead of trying to add more to my mothers, now mine car.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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