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Eleven months later:

"Taeyong! Hurry up let's go," shouted the prick that called himself his friend.

Even so, Taeyong knew they'd be late if he didn't hurry, so he decided to forgive Jungwoo and his shrill call for jolting him awake and dashed downstairs. Things had been going well lately. After struggling to get what he was told was an unrealistic business venture off the ground since high school, Taeyong had decided to move from Seoul to the U.S. the moment he graduated. Seven years later, and he and his best friend ran and owned a successful online streetwear store called TY Track.

It hadn't been easy, and Taeyong was still hoping to expand his online brand to actual chain stores, though it was doing well, and gaining more recognition by the week. Especially since a certain Kpop idol was seen wearing a pair of TY Track high-top sneakers. Taeyong had suffered many sleepless nights designing that line. But it had all been worth it.

"Come on Tae, You fall asleep up there or something?"

"Just getting my jacket!" Taeyong called down, returning to his bed for a moment.

This time, he made it all the way down the flight of metal stairs in their new, industrial loft. In actual fact, they had put their funds together and bought an actual small factory in the process of being converted. And now Jungwoo, and his sister who worked in interior design, had taken it upon themselves to complete the pair's new home-plus-workshop.

Evidence of Taeyong's efforts were strewn in tidy piles on most benches, stools and shelves throughout the loft, though unlike his friend and housemate, the designer's work was always kept to a clean, controlled chaos

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Evidence of Taeyong's efforts were strewn in tidy piles on most benches, stools and shelves throughout the loft, though unlike his friend and housemate, the designer's work was always kept to a clean, controlled chaos. Jungwoo, on the other hand, currently studying his Master of Advertising and Brand Management, might have become lost in an Aladdin's cave of textbooks if it weren't for the far more grounded Taeyong.  

The moment he hustled down to the living area, he checked the time on his phone and scowled. They had plenty of time.

"Ya, what the hell Jung—" But he was shushed before he could finish his verbal assault, with Jungwoo glued to the TV. Or more specifically, the news report.

"...after almost a year, the police have still yet to find conclusive evidence in the Heartbreaker case, leading citizens to wonder, will our State ever be safe after the sun goes down again? Six weeks have passed since the latest victim was found..."

"Did you hear," began Jungwoo, finally turning to acknowledge his existence, "that they're going to triple police patrols across the entire district? And, the government is also extending the city's curfew."

Taeyong groaned at that. At least, with their business being online, it didn't affect sales.

"I know I know," said the twenty-two-year-old student, echoing his sentiment. "Couldn't the police just ensure we stay in groups if we go out? It's not like a killer would attack a whole crew of us."

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