Episode 2

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Y/n Pov
*Next morning*
She open her eyes when sunlight hit her face. She is in his husband's oversized hoody. She smiles by thinking about the last night and look beside her to see her husband sleeping shirtless and he is looking really cute. His muscular arms is spread over her waist. She was admiring her husband. After sometime she tried to free herself from his hold. But he pulled and she landed over his well built chest. He opened his eyes and smiled at her. She said "Good morning hubby".
"Morning love" he replied and hugg her more tightly.
"Let me get up. Otherwise we both are going to be late" She said
" No stay like this for 5 more minutes" He whined.
She giggled and gave a small peck on his cheeks. She is lying in his chest and he is stroking her hair.
"Hmm" he replied
"Don't you like children?"
"Y/n don't start again. Right now we need only us." He freed himself from the hug and about leave.
"But kook.."
"Please y/n, I already told you I don't need to take more responsibilities in such a young age"
"Do you think that I can't understand you. I know but our parents, your mom keep on asking about it. She even ask me whether I have any problem of infertility" while saying those few drops escaped from her eyes. He noticed it and wipe it away.
"I know it is hard for you. But listen I need to love you and I don't want to share your love with any one." Saying that he kissed her forehead with lots of love.
She smiled a little by his concern. She hug him and said "It's okay kook. I know you naa. I will always support you kook".
After that she break the hug and smiled at him.
"Go get ready. I will make breakfast" she said and moved out of the room. He sighed after she left and went to get ready.

Time Skip
Both of them get ready and having their breakfast.
"Kook, today is appa eomma's anniversary. We have to go. Yoongi oppa had called me and he said to be there on dinner."
He nodded to her words.
"Come and pick me early today. We needed to purchase some gift for them". She said
"Sure. I will be there in your office by 5pm, okay..." he said.
"Okay kooks"
After having their breakfast they left for work.

Time Skip
At office
*Knock, knock*
Jin: Come in
Y/n: Mr. Kim, these are the files you asked.
He nodded and take the file.
Jin: What about my schedule..
Y/n: You have a meeting on the afternoon with Mr. Kang and thats it
Jin: Okay then, you may leave now.
She nodded and about to leave, when she remember about the dinner. She turn around and said "Jin oppa, you have to attend a dinner with my appa and eomma"
Jin: How many times I told you not to call me oppa in the office??
Y/n: Sorry, but it is our family matter. Thats why I call you like oppa. Anyways, don't forget the dinner. Okay????
Jin: But why? All of a sudden...
Y/n: Eonnie didn't said anything to you... Today is eomma appa's wedding anniversary. That why we are having a dinner and bring areum baby with you... Okay???
He nodded. She bowed and leave the room. Disappoint is clearly written on his face. He sighed heavily and continue his work.

Time Skip - at 5 pm
Y/n is all ready to leave the office, when she heard a familiar voice calling her name.
??: Y/n
Y/n: Tae...(smiled)
Here comes her best friend Kim Taehyung aka the COO of the Kim Industries. He is her best friend from her college days. He is the younger brother of Jin.
*back to story*
Tae: Why are you leaving so early today... (by raising his eye brows dramatically)
Y/n: Oh sorry mr.kim, I am leaving cause I need some urgent work.
Both of them laughed and y/n smash his head.
Tae: what is that urgent matter
Y/n: today is eomma appa's wedding anniversary. So me and kook is going to buy some gifts.
Tae: Convey my regards too...
Y/n: Sure. I am leaving. I think kook is waiting for me.
Tae: Bye then.
Y/n also waved at him.

When he went outside she saw jk is leaning on the car and was doing something on his phone.
"Kook" she called out his name and walked near him. "Did I make you wait"
"No" he smiled at her. "Let's go".
Both of them went to purchase gifts and get back to home for getting ready for the dinner.

To be continued*

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