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Jin's Pov

After reaching at the destination yn declared by getting out of the car...

Yn: We are here...

I too get down from the car and look up at the place. It is an old building. I look at it with a confused look.

Yn (chuckled): Come and help me in taking these stuffs..

Yn said by pointing to the toys that we gathered a while ago. She carry some toys and went straight to the building and I started following her. The moment we enter inside the building a group of kids came running to yn and hug her tightly. She too hug them back by kneel down infront of them with her hands which is holding the toys.

A boy: Noona... We really miss you...

A boy of 6 years old said her by pouting. He looks so adorable.

Yn: I miss you all too... Are you all doing well..,.

They nodded in agreement. Now I get an idea about the place I have been. It's an orphanage. Yn is chit chatting with them until one little asked her...

Girl: Unnie, who is that guy???

Yn: Oh I forgot to introduce him. He is one of my friend and he is here to see you all. Look me and that oppa got you a lot of gifts.

Yn said that in an adorable manner. They all are looking so happy. And one little boy may be of 4 came to me and ask.

Boy: Hyung, is this toys are for us???

I kneel down and answer him by caressing his hair.

Me: Yes champ. These all are for you.

That boy jump in excitement. I feel really happy seeing them. It gives me a special kind of peace. I look at yn and she smiled assuredly. Then we both distribute the gifts to each children.

Yn: *happy* Do you all like it???

A boy: Yes noona, we love it. Thank you noona

Other kids nodded in agreement and thanked her.

Yn: No need to thank me dear. Look that oppa brought you all the gifts. Say thanks to him.

Kids came towards me and thank me. I smiled at them and look towards yn by wrapping my hands around all of them. We are about the leave, but kids doesn't let yn leave. So we thought to spend some time with them. Currently yn is running and playing with kids. She looks like an adorable kid. Her laughter giving me an inner peace. I was lost looking her by leaning on a tree near the ground. I sighed thinking about the dramas that happened in our life. She does not deserve any of them. I broke my thought when I feel like some one pulling my pants. I look down found an adorable cute boy. He may be of 2 or 3 of age.

Me: What happened dear? Why are you not playing?

Instead of answering me he ask me a question which make me freeze on the spot for sometime.

Boy: Are you yn noona's boyfriend??

I instantly shook my head

Me: No. *chuckle* I am her just friend.

I see him signing in relief.

Me: Why are you so bothered about me being her bf.... *I ask him by raising one of my eyebrow*

Boy: Cause she is my girlfriend. She promised me that she will marry me when I grow up. * he said those things with a sparkling eyes*

I chuckled at his cuteness and ruffled his hair.

Me: Oh I see. No need to worry. She will marry you one day. *He smiled at me innocently* Btw, what is your name Mr.Lover Boy...

Boy: Mr. Lover Boy. That's not my name. My name is Seojun. Noona call me Junie.

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