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Ruqayyah's POV.

So Labiba came to visit.
Yeah our relationship hasn't been quite the same but it's because she can be a bit loud and too much to handle so keeping up with her can be stressful sometimes.

"He's starting to look like Mami"
I roll my eyes "Or me"

She shakes her head "In what possible way?"
"Maybe because I look just like Mami, so it means he took after me"
She says nothing just looking at him.

"What's wrong?" I ask when I notice the frown on her face.
She huffs "I wonder when I'll get married and have my own child"

"It's soon inshallah"
She shakes her head "I've been thinking that for years. I can't even keep a stable relationship. It's like no one wants me"

I clasp her hands "No, I'm sure there's someone out there for you. Everything has its time and yours will come really soon, Inshallah. Just keep praying".

She stares at me "How have you and Rashad been doing?"
I smile "I guess we're okay, things have been really good. It's going just fine"

She nods "I saw Zoya the other day, girl pretended she didn't know me"
I chuckle "Oh really? Don't bother with her, she's been behaving oddly for a while now but she's getting better, thankfully".

"She better, no one likes a snob"
I laugh.


Rashad had his friends over.
Haidar and Abdulhadi, they're his closest friends and I haven't seen them since the wedding.

He told me he wanted to invite them to watch the Argentina vs Mexico and I agreed. I don't want him to feel like his life has to revolve around Fareed and I. I want him to be happy doing things he likes with people he likes.

So while they're downstairs munching, watching and shouting at the top of their voice, Fareed and I are in my room.

He's sleeping so I decided to watch instead.
Fai'za went to spend the weekend at her friend's place so the house kinda feels empty. Thankfully my baby boy loves sleeping so things are easier.

My phone starts ringing.
Nasir's name was flashing on the screen, I couldn't help but wonder why he was calling.

"Ruqayyah, how are you?"
"I'm okay, what about you? And the family?"

He smiles "You know just perfect"
"It's good to know"
And then there was silence, not a word exchanged for a while.

"I called to talk to you about something, it's not that I want you to confront Zoya or approach Rashad with it but just to confide in you"
I nod "Yes, I'm listening"
"Good. I'm thinking of divorcing Zoya"

"What?" I ask perplexed "What do you mean?"
He huffs "I suspect the child might not be mine"
I was shocked "It's yours, why would you think otherwise"
"Because I think Zoya is cheating on me"
I gasp "No. She loves you so much, I don't think she would cheat on you"

"No, I'm certain but I want to go and ask, I was wondering if you'd come along"
I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to be dragged into their drama.

"I'm sorry but I can't"
"Please. I just want someone I can trust so when it comes up you can back me up"
I shake my head knowing he can't see me "I know but I still don't think I can do that, she'd think that I betrayed her and the last thing I want is problems with either Zoya or Rashad"

He huffs "I can understand why you'd be hesitant so you can tell Rashad, I'd be willing to speak to him regarding my concerns".

"How can you talk to him about something you're not certain of? I don't think it's advisable"
"Look, Ruqayyah you're the only person that can help me with this"
"I'll think about it"
"Okay, thank you".


I've been on edge since my phone call with Nasir. I'm practically losing my mind.
Should I keep quiet or give Zoya a heads up?

"What's with that frown?"
I raise my head and look at Yusuf.
I shake my head "You came to see me?"

He nods "I haven't seen the shop in a while so I decided to come check it out"
"Yeah it's been a while"

He sits next to me "But it seems like something is bothering you, what is it?"
I shake my head "Nothing actually"

He smiles "Well—I kinda need a favour"
"What is it?" I ask not particularly interested and in the mood but I can't shun him.

"I need a dress for a girl I like, just something tight and green—don't worry I'll pay"
I nod "What's her size? You know it's not so easy just buying the dress without the proper measurements"

"But you sell dresses off a rack too, it's not like the people who buy them give you measurements"
"Some do"

He tilts his head frustratedly "What about the ones who don't?"
"They're not fitted dresses, none of the ones on the rack are fitted dresses"

"Ah" he takes a deep breath "How is Fai'za?"
I raise my eyebrows "Is she not your cousin? Call her"

He rolls his eyes "Don't tell me you don't know".
"Know what?"
"That she and I dated. I want to talk to her but—"

I huff "—I set her up with someone else"
I nod "Yes that happened. He liked her and she was okay with being set up with him"

"Why? Anyway I just need to see her"
I stand "Look—I really do want to help but that's different. There was a relationship between you two and I don't want to get involved. I can't just involve myself with her relationship and with Zoya's either" I say walking out of the office.


Zoya's POV.

I smile.
Nasir has been so nice and gentle with me.
He takes good care of me and I can't help but feel loved.

But I kinda feel like I'm on a timer, like he can suddenly go back to the way he was and sometimes I feel like everything is just too good to be true. I'm glad he never questioned the legitimacy of my baby.

I smile as I scoop up more ice cream on my bowl. I take it a lot now, I've always liked it.

"So? Where did you go?" I ask when he comes back in.
"To the bathroom"

"You should have just gone to mine" I say pointing at my bathroom door.
"I prefer mine"

I shrug "Well—you missed the ending of episode 6"
"Too bad"
"Should I play it for you? To catch up"

He shakes his head "It's fine, let's just watch it"
I nod.
I continue watching it, laughing at the characters.
"What happened with you and the bartender?"

I freeze.
I thought that part of my life is over.
"Why are you asking?"

He shrugs "I've just noticed that you don't talk anymore, I was just curious"
I smile, trying my best not to look alarmed by the sudden mention of his name "Why would I? He was just a silly mistake I made in the past"

Hearing him mention Malik is frightening, does that mean his doubting the legitimacy of the baby?

Oh God, please, no!


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