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Rashad's POV.

So while my wife left hurriedly to visit her siblings I decided to come pick up my son. It feels like I haven't seen him in weeks.

My mum hugs him with a pout "Do you really want to take him from me? It's just been 9days"
I huff "Ma, those nine days felt like nine years to me"

She scoffs "So you're really taking him away?"
I nod and give her a warm smile "He's leaving with me"
She gasps "I never thought I'd see the day that I'd be declined from seeing my grandson. Just one more day?"

I smile walking over and sitting next to her, Fareed giggling and getting excited at my close proximity. I think the boy might have taken after me, he's energetic.

"Ma, I wanted to bring him back since Friday but Ruqayyah kept insisting he stays five more days and here we are. Plus he's just 6months, he needs his mother to feed him. That's how a few months back Ruqayyah brought him and you held him for 4days"

She huffs "So—my child doesn't want me to see my grandchild" she says sadly, trying to guilt trip me.

"Please take him with you" Baba says walking in. He sits across us "He's really turning out to be just like you. No wonder his mother is fine with leaving him here"

"Ruqayyah isn't like that, plus I like it"Ma defends her.
I nod.

He shakes his head "The boy sleeps for hours in the afternoon just to stay awake in the night. And he's just six months, how is he crawling already? Not to mention how destructive he is, somehow—which still shocks me, the boy dismantled my perfume and poured it all over himself and your mother's rug"

I look at him, he smiles like he knows he's done something wrong.
"You see, Baba doesn't want him here"
"He can visit but I've suffered with you, I can't do all that again"

I couldn't help but laugh.
She huffs "It seems I'm not getting my way, fine then. Take him with you"

I smile "Okay, but I'll stay for a few more hours".
She smiles giving him a peck on the cheek.


It's the weekend and I decided to do something nice for my wife.
Maybe now more than ever I want this relationship to work.
I can't lie that it's because I'm falling in love with Ruqayyah but I'm falling in love with the fact that she's the ideal mother I want for my kids.

It's not about marrying someone beautiful, smart, fair or being in love with that person. It's about their character and attitude, that's what I want my children to grow up with.

I've dated women and each time I imagine how that person would be if she were my wife and even though I'm not inlove with her, I want to be with her.

And if I want to be with her, I want to make it work. I can't be selfish and keep her just to raise and take care of our kids, I want to make her happy as well, give her whatever she desires.

I find her in the laundry room shoving clothes inside the washing machine.
"You need help?" I ask.
She jumps, startled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you"
She smiles "It's all good. I'm almost done but you can help keep me company though".
"Okay—I was thinking—"

She raises her head giving me her complete and undivided attention.
"Why don't we go out on a date tonight?"

She chuckles "What about Fareed?"
"Come on, Fai'za is here"

I huff.
"We can call your brother to keep her company. I heard you saying you wanted to talk to him anyway so it's like hitting two birds with one stone and don't worry we'll be back by 10pm"

She giggles "I'm not worried and I think that sounds like a great idea"
"You think so too, right?"

"Yes. I think this is the part where I go rummaging through my drawer to find the perfect outfit for our date"
"It is, this is exactly that moment. While you go do that, I'll finish this up"
"Thanks" she gives me a peck on the cheek and rushes out.


Ruqayyah's POV.

Do you know that despite my 3year relationship—well plus our marriage 4years 3months of my relationship with Rashad, this is our second date.

I know it sounds weird but it is.
On my birthdays he just orders stuff and sends them to me, same thing goes for our anniversary.

This proves that he wants to make it work and I'll do everything in my power to make sure it does, starting with filling the gap in my memory.

I decided to let it all be, thinking maybe leaving it buried will be better but as long as I know and feel it's presence I can't be happy.

Have you ever had that perturbing feeling when you're sleeping and know you have to wake up for something important, so you keep waking up mid through your sleep? That discomforting feeling, that's what all this feels like and I think if I don't do something about it now eventually it would get out of control so I decided to talk to the one person that talks too much and will speak under pressure.

And he's bringing himself.


I laugh hysterically.
"I'm serious, I screamed. The other guys at the gym had to come lift it".

He was telling me about the first time he went to the gym and bit off a little more than he could chew but it sounds like something he'd do, just that I'd have thought he'd rather those weights kill him than show everyone he's weak but I guess not.

It wasn't all that romantic but it meant the world to me.
Has he somehow forgotten that I'm not pregnant anymore or is this a fattening technique because Aisha and I started going to the gym, I'm starting to suspect he's not a fan.

So he bought all those fatty food, we kept  driving around talking and eventually we just parked and ate.
I literally ate everything.
Rashad loves eating but he's more into proper meals than all these snacks but he'll still eat them though.

I smile just watching him talk on and on. How am I just realizing he talks. I used to think he barely talked but I guess I was wrong, he just wasn't really comfortable with me. I can't help but feel bad. A three year relationship and I'm just getting to know him but I'm not complaining.

"You're quiet. You're just staring at me"
I smile "This is nice"

He rests his head on the head rest.
"I know it's not what you expected. I'll do better next time" he smiles.
I shake my head "I don't think there's anything that could have beat this, just talking to you is enough"

He clasps my hand in his, my hands completely covered "I know I haven't been the most understanding or loving husband and I'm sorry. I was being selfish and I put myself and my feelings first completely disregarding yours. I want to make things right, I want Fareed and his other soon existent siblings to grow up with their father showering their mother with all the love, support and care she needs. I'll smother you with it all"

I chuckle "Whatever happened is nothing but history now"
"No, you can't just forget or ignore your past. The past has a way of messing your future and I don't want anything ruining our future"

I smile.
He's right.
I need to fix everything, I can't keep avoiding the inevitable.

"You're right"
He nods "You look tired, shall we?"
I smile "I could stay the whole night right here, as long as you're here"

"So—let's stay a few more minutes?"
I nod.


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