Oh, and one more thing......

37 1 4

Nyx's POV

Gathering other tribes took longer than expected. Waaayyyyy longer. 

Pythor wouldn't let me leave his sight, not even for a split second. I've tried multiple times to evade his grasp but it was fruitless in the end. Either another serpentine caught me or he'd drag me back with him to the next tomb,forcing me to use what I remembered about the map. I hated all of this. I hated being treated like some slave....

 I hated him

"We've covered the Venomari, Constrictai....yes yes I think that's about it." speak of the devil, the Anacondrai turned his attention to me. I could feel his piercing gaze boring into my soul. "Well then, it looks like all that's left to do is to unify the tribes."

"How exactly do you propose we do that?" Skales scoffed. "We've been at war for years."

"I can be quite persuasive," Pythor smirked. 

I sigh heavily, trying to tug my arm out of his clawed hand. "You don't need me now. You have all of the tribes so let me go!" This was the last straw. I was fed up with his control over me. Pythor only chuckled at my anger. 

Ok...now I was officially done with this guy.

"Oh, yes. I said I'd let you go didn't I?"

"Yes, you did."

"Well....there's just one teeny tiny thing left I need you to do for me. Then freedom will be the reward I'll grant you my dear." A growl erupted in my throat. What else did he want?! If he's giving me more tedious tasks he'll just keep piling them up until I'm never freed! 

I tugged harder to escape his grip. "No."

"What do you mean, no? I don't think you're in a position to say that to me."

"I mean NO! I'm done with you! I'm done with this stupid plan! Do what you want but leave me out of it!"

Pythor snarled, and gripped my arm so tight I could feel a burning sensation along my limb. "AH!"

"You will do as I say. I am much stronger than you are, and have made sure no glass-like material is within your reach. There's nothing you can use to fight back. So if you value your life and sanity...." He grabbed my chin harshly. "I heavily suggest you comply to my wishes."

I try turning away, but his grip never eased up. "F-Fine!"

"I'm sorry, what was that?"


"Splendid," he let me go, but leaned in for a whisper. "The last thing you are going to do, is help me in becoming leader of the tribes. Your gift is strong, and can easily help me overpower the other tribe leaders."

"So, you want me to fight them? Like I did in the Hypnobrai tomb?"

He hummed a little followed by a snicker. "Yes, but it will be much more difficult (and bloody perhaps) but you won't do it alone. Of course I'll be fighting with you t prove myself worthy of a leader. That is, this will be our only option if my little speech doesn't persuade them enough." I feel his hand land on my shoulder. "I'm sure it'll hardly be too much of a challenge."

I shake off his hand, growling with disdain. "Let's get this over with."

Skales cleared his throat to catch our attention. "Um, where will we even hold your 'unifying TED talk?' " I laughed a little at his question, but only until I heard the Anacondrai whip his tail on Skales' head. 

"I know the exact place to hold such a meeting. And it'll be away from unwanted attention of the ninja or other humans."

"Where?" I ask. 

"Tell me, my dear, what is underneath the place they call Ninjago city?"

So sorry it took so long for me to update! I had a writer's block for this story so apologies if this chapter was a bit short. I hope you guys had an awesome Thanksgiving! I had so much stuffing and pie LOL. NO regrets! 

Also been watching the new Netflix series Wednesday. If you haven't seen it plz go check it out cause it's really good. :)

Also, I am open to take any ideas for future chapters in this book cause I don't exactly have it planned out too well. So if you all have any creative thoughts on how this story should play out I'd be more than happy to hear your ideas! 

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