Chapter Twenty

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      Hey! So..... I've felt that the story was getting kinda dry. AND SO I have decided to do a chapter in Owens P.o.V just to see how it feels. I would love and appreciate any comments at the end just on y'alls thoughts and any suggestions on how to make the story better. So yeah. :)


       I was an early bloomer. When my wings came in, I was convinced I was dying. I didn't get pills, I didn't get any back protectors, and I didn't get any instructions. By the time a guardian did find me, I was two weeks into the whole process. It sucked. A lot. And I couldn't tell any of my friends about it. I knew that they were going to grow wings, and I knew when, but I couldn't say jackshit. I was only 11. But the worst part of it was when my magic started to develop.

      I had some sort of mind abilities. At first, it was just searching people's memories. If I tried hard enough, I could dive into someone's thoughts and pull out specific moments, whether they had shared them with me or not. Came in handy with tests. My guardian did help me through everything, and when I didn't need his guidance anymore, we lost touch. And I was fine. My friends started developing their wings, and so I didn't need to keep everything a secret anymore. Everything was fine. Until it wasn't.

       I started getting terrible headaches, that normally ended in me passing out for hours. It was almost identical to the pain that I was getting when I first started uncovering memories. And so I decided to start testing my powers, see what I was capable of.

      I ended up having more than one type of magic, which I used to my advantage. I had a heightened sense of who was going to be a Winglet, which explained how I could tell with my friends. And, I was around the age where I needed to start guiding people. So, I decided, why only do one? Why do as many as possible? But why not also mess with some of them? Which was when I ran into my first problem: Felix.

      Felix, I could tell instantly. I don't know what it was, but I could tell they were going to be stronger and be more trouble than anyone else. But the problem was that I couldn't tell when they were going to develop. And so, I taught myself to shatter memories. All I had to do was uncover them, act like they were just, falling apart. Hudson and Taylor were volunteers in this discovery, as long as I promised that I wouldn't shatter anything important of theirs and that I would let them help with Felix. And project 01 started. We had to approach Felix multiple times, and I would read him to see if there would be any changes in his readings. If they had gone up, then he was closer to developing. But every time we checked, he would be much higher. And everytime, we would shatter their memories. I have no idea why we didn't just end up befriending them. It would have made everything much easier. But we ended up waiting until they started to talk to us before we did anything.

       I didn't hate the guy, but I wasn't fond of them at the beginning. Once they knew one person in the friend group that they could trust, their true colors started to shine through. And those colors were very loud. And bright. And opinionated. They really wanted to be friends with everyone, but they were really really close with Hudson. And then they caused.....a lot of drama. But I still talked to them, and started to get a little more fond of them. I stopped reading them so often, to let just a natural friendship start. Shaky, but natural. When I did end up checking again, maybe three months later, his readings had gone up. Significantly. And I ended up spilling everything. And when I mean everything, I mean everything. Without Taylor or Hudson. And when Felix started getting really, really reckless, I still didn't tell them.

      Instead of telling either of them, I went to the girl they were dating at the time, who ended up being one of my best friends. I told them about what we had been doing to him for the past couple of years, and they blew up at me. Once they had settled down, we agreed we would just make them forget the old fashioned way. With pills! And they settled down significantly. So everything was fine. I told everyone about how Felix was going to be growing wings, but it would be in a couple years, so if they could just hold off talking about it until then, that would be very helpful.

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